At CUFinder, we pride ourselves on providing the most comprehensive and accurate database of companies, leads, and their contacts. We understand that having access to high-quality data is essential for businesses looking to expand their customer base and grow their revenue. That's why we have invested heavily in developing and maintaining our database, using advanced technologies and strategies to ensure that our data is up-to-date, relevant, and accurate.

Our database contains millions of records, covering a wide range of industries, company sizes, and geographical locations. We gather our data from a variety of sources, including public records, social media, and web scraping. Our team of data experts carefully reviews and verifies each record, ensuring that our data is of the highest quality. We also regularly update our database to ensure that our data is current and relevant, giving our customers the best possible chance of success.


Complete Contact Profiles


Complete Company Profiles


Contact Email Addresses


Contact Phone Numbers

Contact Attributes

First nameFirst name of person
Last nameLast name of person
Job titleJob title of person
Job roleDepartment that person works
Job levelSeniority of person in company
Job descriptionSummary of person's job
IndustryThe industry that person works in
Company nameName of company that person works in
Company websiteWebsite of company that person works in
Company sizeSize of company that person works in
Company founded yearFounded year of company that person works in
Company LinkedIn URLLinkedIn URL of company that person works in
Company Twitter URLTwitter URL of company that person works in
Company Facebook URLFacebook URL of company that person works in
Company locationComplete address of company that person works in
LinkedIn connectionsNumber of LinkedIn connections of person
LinkedIn URLLinkedIn URL of person
Facebook URLFacebook URL of person
Twitter URLTwitter URL of person
EmailWork email and personal email of person
Phone numberPhone number of person
Work HistoryCompanies that person has worked for
EducationSchools that person has studied there
InterestsInterests of person based on the his/her followings on LinkedIn
SkillsProfessional skills of person
CertificationsCertificates that person has
SalarySalary that person receives
Profile pictureLinkedIn profile picture of person