Étienne Fodor

Étienne Fodor

Université du Luxembourg

H-index: 22


About Étienne Fodor

Étienne Fodor, With an exceptional h-index of 22 and a recent h-index of 21 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Université du Luxembourg, specializes in the field of Statistical Mechanics, Biological Physics, Active Matter.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Active matter under control: Insights from response theory

Thermodynamically consistent flocking: From discontinous to continuous transitions

Biased ensembles of pulsating active matter

Towards a liquid-state theory for active matter (a)

Pulsating Active Matter

Pulsating with discrete symmetry

Nonideal Reaction-Diffusion Systems: Multiple Routes to Instability

Irreversibility and biased ensembles in active matter: Insights from stochastic thermodynamics

Étienne Fodor Information


Université du Luxembourg





Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Université du Luxembourg

Étienne Fodor Skills & Research Interests

Statistical Mechanics

Biological Physics

Active Matter

Top articles of Étienne Fodor

Active matter under control: Insights from response theory


Luke K Davis,Karel Proesmans,Étienne Fodor


Physical Review X

Published Date


Active constituents burn fuel to sustain individual motion, giving rise to collective effects that are not seen in systems at thermal equilibrium, such as phase separation with purely repulsive interactions. There is a great potential in harnessing the striking phenomenology of active matter to build novel controllable and responsive materials that surpass passive ones. Yet, we currently lack a systematic roadmap to predict the protocols driving active systems between different states in a way that is thermodynamically optimal. Equilibrium thermodynamics is an inadequate foundation to this end, due to the dissipation rate arising from the constant fuel consumption in active matter. Here, we derive and implement a versatile framework for the thermodynamic control of active matter. Combining recent developments in stochastic thermodynamics and response theory, our approach shows how to find the optimal control for …

Thermodynamically consistent flocking: From discontinous to continuous transitions


Tal Agranov,Robert L Jack,Michael E Cates,Étienne Fodor


arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.09901

Published Date


We introduce a family of lattice-gas models of flocking, whose thermodynamically consistent dynamics admits a proper equilibrium limit at vanishing self-propulsion. These models are amenable to an exact coarse-graining which allows us to study their hydrodynamic behavior analytically. We show that the equilibrium limit here belongs to the universality class of Model C, and that it generically exhibits tricritical behavior. Self-propulsion has a non-perturbative effect on the phase diagram, yielding novel phase behaviors depending on the type of aligning interactions. For aligning interaction that increase monotonically with the density, the tricritical point diverges to infinite density reproducing the standard scenario of a discontinuous flocking transition accompanied by traveling bands. In contrast, for models where the aligning interaction is non-monotonic in density, the system can exhibit either (the nonequilibrium counterpart of) an azeotropic point, associated with a continuous flocking transition, or a state where three phases coexist dynamically.

Biased ensembles of pulsating active matter


William D Piñeros,Étienne Fodor


arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.16961

Published Date


We discover unexpected connections between packing configurations and rare fluctuations in dense systems of active particles subject to pulsation of size. Using large deviation theory, we examine biased ensembles which select atypical realizations of the dynamics exhibiting high synchronization in particle size. We show that the order emerging at high bias can manifest as distinct dynamical states with either a finite or a vanishing size current. Remarkably, transitions between these states arise from changing the system geometry at fixed bias and constant density. We rationalize such transitions as stemming from a change in the packing configurations favored by the geometry. Specifically, we reveal that a master curve in the unbiased dynamics, correlating polydispersity and current, helps predict the dynamical state emerging in the biased dynamics. Finally, we demonstrate that deformation waves can propagate under suitable geometries when biasing with local order.

Towards a liquid-state theory for active matter (a)


Yuting Irene Li,Rosalba Garcia-Millan,Michael E Cates,Étienne Fodor


Europhysics Letters

Published Date


In equilibrium, the collective behaviour of particles interacting via steep, short-ranged potentials is well captured by the virial expansion of the free energy at low density. Here, we extend this approach beyond equilibrium to the case of active matter with self-propelled particles. Given that active systems do not admit any free-energy description in general, our aim is to build the dynamics of the coarse-grained density from first principles without any equilibrium assumption. Starting from microscopic equations of motion, we obtain the hierarchy of density correlations, which we close with an ansatz for the two-point density valid in the dilute regime at small activity. This closure yields the nonlinear dynamics of the one-point density, with hydrodynamic coefficients depending explicitly on microscopic interactions, by analogy with the equilibrium virial expansion. This dynamics admits a spinodal instability for purely repulsive …

Pulsating Active Matter


Yiwei Zhang,Étienne Fodor


Physical Review Letters

Published Date


We reveal that the mechanical pulsation of locally synchronized particles is a generic route to propagate deformation waves. We consider a model of dense repulsive particles whose activity drives periodic change in size of each individual. The dynamics is inspired by biological tissues where cells consume fuel to sustain active deformation. We show that the competition between repulsion and synchronization triggers an instability which promotes a wealth of dynamical patterns, ranging from spiral waves to defect turbulence. We identify the mechanisms underlying the emergence of patterns, and characterize the corresponding transitions. By coarse-graining the dynamics, we propose a hydrodynamic description of an assembly of pulsating particles, and discuss an analogy with reaction-diffusion systems.

Pulsating with discrete symmetry


Alessandro Manacorda,Étienne Fodor


arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.14370

Published Date


We propose a class of diffusive lattice models where the internal states of particles are subject to a periodic drive. The discrete symmetry of states enforces an effective energy landscape which can counteract the drive to arrest the dynamics. Such a mechanism is reminiscent of the arrest reported in dense assemblies of pulsating deformable particles, in line with experiments in confluent biological tissues. We show that the competition between arrest and synchronisation promotes an instability which leads to spiral waves. Using analytical coarse-graining, we rationalize the emergence of such spirals in terms of a discrete gauge invariance at the hydrodynamic level.

Nonideal Reaction-Diffusion Systems: Multiple Routes to Instability


Timur Aslyamov,Francesco Avanzini,Étienne Fodor,Massimiliano Esposito


Physical Review Letters

Published Date


We develop a general classification of the nature of the instabilities yielding spatial organization in open nonideal reaction-diffusion systems, based on linear stability analysis. This encompasses dynamics where chemical species diffuse, interact with each other, and undergo chemical reactions driven out of equilibrium by external chemostats. We find analytically that these instabilities can be of two types: instabilities caused by intermolecular energetic interactions (E type), and instabilities caused by multimolecular out-of-equilibrium chemical reactions (R type). Furthermore, we identify a class of chemical reaction networks, containing unimolecular networks but also extending beyond them, that can only undergo E-type instabilities. We illustrate our analytical findings with numerical simulations on two reaction-diffusion models, each displaying one of the two types of instability and generating stable patterns.

Irreversibility and biased ensembles in active matter: Insights from stochastic thermodynamics


Étienne Fodor,Robert L Jack,Michael E Cates

Published Date


Active systems evade the rules of equilibrium thermodynamics by constantly dissipating energy at the level of their microscopic components. This energy flux stems from the conversion of a fuel, present in the environment, into sustained individual motion. It can lead to collective effects without any equilibrium equivalent, some of which can be rationalized by using equilibrium tools to recapitulate nonequilibrium transitions. An important challenge is then to delineate systematically to what extent the character of these active transitions is genuinely distinct from equilibrium analogs. We review recent works that use stochastic thermodynamics tools to identify, for active systems, a measure of irreversibility comprising a coarse-grained or informatic entropy production. We describe how this relates to the underlying energy dissipation or thermodynamic entropy production, and how it is influenced by collective behavior …

Stochastic hydrodynamics of complex fluids: Discretisation and entropy production


Michael E Cates,Étienne Fodor,Tomer Markovich,Cesare Nardini,Elsen Tjhung

Published Date


Many complex fluids can be described by continuum hydrodynamic field equations, to which noise must be added in order to capture thermal fluctuations. In almost all cases, the resulting coarse-grained stochastic partial differential equations carry a short-scale cutoff, which is also reflected in numerical discretisation schemes. We draw together our recent findings concerning the construction of such schemes and the interpretation of their continuum limits, focusing, for simplicity, on models with a purely diffusive scalar field, such as ‘Model B’ which describes phase separation in binary fluid mixtures. We address the requirement that the steady-state entropy production rate (EPR) must vanish for any stochastic hydrodynamic model in a thermal equilibrium. Only if this is achieved can the given discretisation scheme be relied upon to correctly calculate the nonvanishing EPR for ‘active field theories’ in which new terms are deliberately added to the fluctuating hydrodynamic equations that break detailed balance. To compute the correct probabilities of forward and time-reversed paths (whose ratio determines the EPR), we must make a careful treatment of so-called ‘spurious drift’ and other closely related terms that depend on the discretisation scheme. We show that such subtleties can arise not only in the temporal discretisation (as is well documented for stochastic ODEs with multiplicative noise) but also from spatial discretisation, even when noise is additive, as most active field theories assume. We then review how such noise can become multiplicative via off-diagonal couplings to additional fields that thermodynamically encode the underlying …

Thermodynamic control of activity patterns in cytoskeletal networks


Alexandra Lamtyugina,Yuqing Qiu,Étienne Fodor,Aaron R Dinner,Suriyanarayanan Vaikuntanathan


Physical review letters

Published Date


Biological materials, such as the actin cytoskeleton, exhibit remarkable structural adaptability to various external stimuli by consuming different amounts of energy. In this Letter, we use methods from large deviation theory to identify a thermodynamic control principle for structural transitions in a model cytoskeletal network. Specifically, we demonstrate that biasing the dynamics with respect to the work done by nonequilibrium components effectively renormalizes the interaction strength between such components, which can eventually result in a morphological transition. Our work demonstrates how a thermodynamic quantity can be used to renormalize effective interactions, which in turn can tune structure in a predictable manner, suggesting a thermodynamic principle for the control of cytoskeletal structure and dynamics.

From predicting to learning dissipation from pair correlations of active liquids


Gregory Rassolov,Laura Tociu,Étienne Fodor,Suriyanarayanan Vaikuntanathan


The Journal of Chemical Physics

Published Date


Active systems, which are driven out of equilibrium by local non-conservative forces, can adopt unique behaviors and configurations. An important challenge in the design of novel materials, which utilize such properties, is to precisely connect the static structure of active systems to the dissipation of energy induced by the local driving. Here, we use tools from liquid-state theories and machine learning to take on this challenge. We first analytically demonstrate for an isotropic active matter system that dissipation and pair correlations are closely related when driving forces behave like an active temperature. We then extend a nonequilibrium mean-field framework for predicting these pair correlations, which unlike most existing approaches is applicable even for strongly interacting particles and far from equilibrium, to predicting dissipation in these systems. Based on this theory, we reveal a robust analytic relation …

Mean-field theory for the structure of strongly interacting active liquids


Laura Tociu,Gregory Rassolov,Étienne Fodor,Suriyanarayanan Vaikuntanathan


The Journal of Chemical Physics

Published Date


Active systems, which are driven out of equilibrium by local non-conservative forces, exhibit unique behaviors and structures with potential utility for the design of novel materials. An important and difficult challenge along the path toward this goal is to precisely predict how the structure of active systems is modified as their driving forces push them out of equilibrium. Here, we use tools from liquid-state theories to approach this challenge for a classic minimal active matter model. First, we construct a nonequilibrium mean-field framework that can predict the structure of systems of weakly interacting particles. Second, motivated by equilibrium solvation theories, we modify this theory to extend it with surprisingly high accuracy to systems of strongly interacting particles, distinguishing it from most existing similarly tractable approaches. Our results provide insight into spatial organization in strongly interacting out-of …

Power fluctuations in sheared amorphous materials: A minimal model


Timothy Ekeh,Étienne Fodor,Suzanne M Fielding,Michael E Cates


Physical Review E

Published Date


The importance of mesoscale fluctuations in flowing amorphous materials is widely accepted, without a clear understanding of their role. We propose a mean-field elastoplastic model that admits both stress and strain-rate fluctuations, and investigate the character of its power distribution under steady shear flow. The model predicts the suppression of negative power fluctuations near the liquid-solid transition; the existence of a fluctuation relation in limiting regimes but its replacement in general by stretched-exponential power-distribution tails; and a crossover between two distinct mechanisms for negative power fluctuations in the liquid and the yielding solid phases. We connect these predictions with recent results from particle-based, numerical microrheological experiments.

Statistical mechanics of active Ornstein-Uhlenbeck particles


David Martin,Jérémy O'Byrne,Michael E Cates,Étienne Fodor,Cesare Nardini,Julien Tailleur,Frédéric Van Wijland


Physical Review E

Published Date


We study the statistical properties of active Ornstein-Uhlenbeck particles (AOUPs). In this simplest of models, the Gaussian white noise of overdamped Brownian colloids is replaced by a Gaussian colored noise. This suffices to grant this system the hallmark properties of active matter, while still allowing for analytical progress. We study in detail the steady-state distribution of AOUPs in the small persistence time limit and for spatially varying activity. At the collective level, we show AOUPs to experience motility-induced phase separation both in the presence of pairwise forces or due to quorum-sensing interactions. We characterize both the instability mechanism leading to phase separation and the resulting phase coexistence. We probe how, in the stationary state, AOUPs depart from their thermal equilibrium limit by investigating the emergence of ratchet currents and entropy production. In the small persistence time …

Collective motion in large deviations of active particles


Yann-Edwin Keta,Étienne Fodor,Frédéric van Wijland,Michael E Cates,Robert L Jack


Physical Review E

Published Date


We analyze collective motion that occurs during rare (large deviation) events in systems of active particles, both numerically and analytically. We discuss the associated dynamical phase transition to collective motion, which occurs when the active work is biased towards larger values, and is associated with alignment of particles' orientations. A finite biasing field is needed to induce spontaneous symmetry breaking, even in large systems. Particle alignment is computed exactly for a system of two particles. For many-particle systems, we analyze the symmetry breaking by an optimal-control representation of the biased dynamics, and we propose a fluctuating hydrodynamic theory that captures the emergence of polar order in the biased state.

Optimal power and efficiency of odd engines


Étienne Fodor,Anton Souslov


Physical Review E

Published Date


Odd materials feature antisymmetric response to perturbations. This anomalous property can stem from the nonequilibrium activity of their components, which is sustained by an external energy supply. These materials open the door to designing innovative engines which extract work by applying cyclic deformations, without any equivalent in equilibrium. Here, we reveal that the efficiency of such energy conversion, from local activity to macroscopic work, can be arbitrarily close to unity when the cycles of deformation are properly designed. We illustrate these principles in some canonical viscoelastic materials, which leads us to identify strategies for optimizing power and efficiency according to material properties and to delineate guidelines for the design of more complex odd engines.

Thermodynamics of active field theories: Energetic cost of coupling to reservoirs


Tomer Markovich,Étienne Fodor,Elsen Tjhung,Michael E Cates


Physical Review X

Published Date


The hallmark of active matter is the autonomous directed motion of its microscopic constituents driven by consumption of energy resources. This motion leads to the emergence of large-scale dynamics and structures without any equilibrium equivalent. Though active field theories offer a useful hydrodynamic description, it is unclear how to properly quantify the energetic cost of the dynamics from such a coarse-grained description. We provide a thermodynamically consistent framework to identify the energy exchanges between active systems and their surrounding thermostat at the hydrodynamic level. Based on linear irreversible thermodynamics, we determine how active fields couple with the underlying reservoirs at the basis of nonequilibrium driving. This approach leads to evaluating the rate of heat dissipated in the thermostat, as a measure of the cost to sustain the system away from equilibrium, which is related …

Active engines: Thermodynamics moves forward


Étienne Fodor,Michael E Cates


Europhysics Letters

Published Date


The study of thermal heat engines was pivotal to establishing the principles of equilibrium thermodynamics, with implications far wider than only engine optimization. For nonequilibrium systems, which by definition dissipate energy even at rest, how to best convert such dissipation into useful work is still largely an outstanding question, with similar potential to illuminate general physical principles. We review recent theoretical progress in studying the performances of engines operating with active matter, where particles are driven by individual self-propulsion. We distinguish two main classes, either autonomous engines exploiting a particle current, or cyclic engines applying periodic transformation to the system, and present the strategies put forward so far for optimization. We delineate the limitations of previous studies, and propose some future perspectives, with a view to building a consistent thermodynamic …

Time-reversal symmetry violations and entropy production in field theories of polar active matter


Øyvind L Borthne,Étienne Fodor,Michael E Cates


New Journal of Physics

Published Date


We investigate the steady-state entropy production rate (EPR) in the hydrodynamic Vicsek model (HVM) and diffusive flocking model (DFM). Both models display a transition from an isotropic gas to a polar liquid (flocking) phase, in addition to travelling polar clusters and microphase-separation in the miscibility gap. The phase diagram of the DFM, which may be considered an extension of the HVM, contains additional structure at low densities where we find a novel crystal phase in which a stationary hexagonal lattice of high-density ridges surround low density valleys. From an assessment of the scaling of the EPR at low noise, we uncover that the dynamics in this limit may be organised into three main classes based on the dominant contribution. Truly nonequilibrium dynamics is characterised by a divergent EPR in this limit, and sustains global time-reversal symmetry (TRS) violating currents at zero noise. On the …

Thermodynamic cycles with active matter


Timothy Ekeh,Michael E Cates,Étienne Fodor


Physical Review E

Published Date


Active matter constantly dissipates energy to power the self-propulsion of its microscopic constituents. This opens the door to designing innovative cyclic engines without any equilibrium equivalent. We offer a consistent thermodynamic framework to characterize and optimize the performances of such cycles. Based on a minimal model, we put forward a protocol which extracts work by controlling only the properties of the confining walls at boundaries, and we rationalize the transitions between optimal cycles. We show that the corresponding power and efficiency are generally proportional, so that they reach their maximum values at the same cycle time in contrast with thermal cycles, and we provide a generic relation constraining the fluctuations of the power.

See List of Professors in Étienne Fodor University(Université du Luxembourg)

Étienne Fodor FAQs

What is Étienne Fodor's h-index at Université du Luxembourg?

The h-index of Étienne Fodor has been 21 since 2020 and 22 in total.

What are Étienne Fodor's top articles?

The articles with the titles of

Active matter under control: Insights from response theory

Thermodynamically consistent flocking: From discontinous to continuous transitions

Biased ensembles of pulsating active matter

Towards a liquid-state theory for active matter (a)

Pulsating Active Matter

Pulsating with discrete symmetry

Nonideal Reaction-Diffusion Systems: Multiple Routes to Instability

Irreversibility and biased ensembles in active matter: Insights from stochastic thermodynamics


are the top articles of Étienne Fodor at Université du Luxembourg.

What are Étienne Fodor's research interests?

The research interests of Étienne Fodor are: Statistical Mechanics, Biological Physics, Active Matter

What is Étienne Fodor's total number of citations?

Étienne Fodor has 2,377 citations in total.


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