Joana Vitte

Joana Vitte

Aix-Marseille Université

H-index: 28


About Joana Vitte

Joana Vitte, With an exceptional h-index of 28 and a recent h-index of 23 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Aix-Marseille Université, specializes in the field of Immunology, Allergology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Toward a much-needed coming of age: Diagnosis of allergic sensitization to fungi

NOVEOS and ImmunoCAP Have Similar Performances for Diagnosing Food Allergies

Novel Immunopharmacological Drugs for the Treatment of Allergic Diseases

Paediatric perioperative hypersensitivity: the performance of the current consensus formula and the effect of uneventful anaesthesia on serum tryptase

A systematic review of allergen cross-reactivity: translating basic concepts into clinical relevance

Treponematosis in critically endangered Western chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) in Senegal

Diagnostic biologique de la pollinose aux graminées: il suffit d’un test!

Towards an artificial intelligence-assisted allergy diagnosis using semantic attributes and allergen multiplex technology

Joana Vitte Information


Aix-Marseille Université


Faculty of Medicine IHU Méditerranée Infection



Citations(since 2020)


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Aix-Marseille Université

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Top articles of Joana Vitte

Toward a much-needed coming of age: Diagnosis of allergic sensitization to fungi


Delphine Giusti,Jeanne-Marie Perotin,Joana Vitte


Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology

Published Date


Fungal sensitization and allergy are complex topics with many unanswered questions in terms of pathophysiology and unmet needs in clinical and laboratory practice. In recent years, advances in taxonomy, exposome science, and fungus− host interactions at the molecular level have been achieved. Letovsky et al 1 took advantage of these to analyze a vast database of real-world IgE testing results. The contribution of their findings to clinical practice is expected to support more accurate diagnosis of fungal sensitization and allergy, thus improving the management of an array of type 2-related chronic inflammatory diseases. Moreover, their findings brought undisputable real-world support for the clinical deployment of molecular allergen-assisted diagnosis of fungal sensitization. Allergic sensitization to fungi, defined as the demonstration of fungi-binding specific IgE, is a diagnostic biomarker of fungal allergy in …

NOVEOS and ImmunoCAP Have Similar Performances for Diagnosing Food Allergies


Benjamin Trouche-Estival,Joana Vitte,Audrey Martin-Blondel,Marine Michelet,Vianney Gruzelle,Alain Didier,Laurent Guilleminault,Claire Mailhol,Silvia Martinez Rivera,Anaïs De Lima Correia,Camille Taurus,Antoine Blancher,Julien Goret,Caroline Klingebiel,Pol André Apoil


The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice

Published Date


BackgroundThe clinical significance of newly available platforms for specific IgE measurement must be evaluated. However, data are lacking for NOVEOS (Hycor), especially for food allergens.ObjectiveWe compared the technical and clinical performance of two platforms (ImmunoCAP and NOVEOS) to measure specific IgE to 10 food allergens.MethodsSera from 289 clinically characterized patients were tested for IgE specific for six food allergen extracts (egg white, cow’s milk, peanut, hazelnut, fish, and shrimp) and four molecular allergens (Gal d 1, Bos d 8, Ara h 2, and Cor a 14). Specific IgE measurements were carried out using ImmunoCAP and NOVEOS methods. Food allergy diagnoses were established according to international guidelines.ResultsA strong correlation (ρ > 0.9) was present between the two platforms whereas specific IgE concentrations measured with NOVEOS were consistently lower (mean …

Novel Immunopharmacological Drugs for the Treatment of Allergic Diseases


Ekaterini Tiligada,Daria Gafarov,Maria Zaimi,Joana Vitte,Francesca Levi-Schaffer

Published Date


The exponential rise in the prevalence of allergic diseases since the mid-twentieth century has led to a genuine public health emergency and has also fostered major progress in research on the underlying mechanisms and potential treatments. The management of allergic diseases benefits from the biological revolution, with an array of novel immunomodulatory therapeutic and investigational tools targeting players of allergic inflammation at distinct pathophysiological steps. Prominent examples include therapeutic monoclonal antibodies against cytokines, alarmins, and their receptors, as well as small-molecule modifiers of signal transduction mainly mediated by Janus kinases and Bruton's tyrosine kinases. However, the first-line therapeutic options have yet to switch from symptomatic to disease-modifying interventions. Here we present an overview of available drugs in the context of our current understanding of …

Paediatric perioperative hypersensitivity: the performance of the current consensus formula and the effect of uneventful anaesthesia on serum tryptase


Nils Vlaeminck,Marie-Line van der Poorten,Cecilie Nygaard Madsen,Birgitte Bech Melchiors,Moïse Michel,Constance Gonzalez,Rik Schrijvers,Jessy Elst,Christel Mertens,Vera Saldien,Joana Vitte,Lene H Garvey,Vito Sabato,Didier G Ebo


BJA open

Published Date


BackgroundPaired sampling of acute (aST) and basal (bST) serum tryptase has been recommended when investigating patients with a suspected perioperative hypersensitivity (POH) reaction. In the current consensus formula, an aST value exceeding (1.2×bST+2) confirms mast cell activation. The current consensus formula has been validated in adults but not in children.MethodsWe prospectively included 96 children who underwent uneventful anaesthesia and sampled serum tryptase at baseline and 60–90 min after induction. Tryptase changes were then compared with those in 94 children with suspected POH who were retrospectively included from four reference centres in Belgium, France, and Denmark.ResultsWe observed a median decrease in serum tryptase during uneventful anaesthesia of 0.41 μg L−1 (–15.9%; P<0.001). The current consensus formula identified mast cell activation in 31.9% of …

A systematic review of allergen cross-reactivity: translating basic concepts into clinical relevance


Ekansh Sharma,Joana Vitte

Published Date


Access to the molecular culprits of allergic reactions leveraged molecular allergology as a new precision medicine approach, built on interdisciplinary, basic and clinical knowledge. Molecular allergology relies on the use of allergen molecules as in vitro tools for the diagnosis and management of allergic patients. It complements the conventional approach based on skin and in vitro allergen extract testing.Major applications of molecular allergology comprise accurate identification of the offending allergen thanks to discrimination between genuine sensitization and allergen cross-reactivity, evaluation of potential severity, patient-tailored choice of the adequate allergen immunotherapy and prediction of its expected efficacy and safety.Allergen cross-reactivity, defined as the recognition of two or more allergen molecules by antibodies or T cells of the same specificity, frequently interferes with allergen extract testing. At …

Treponematosis in critically endangered Western chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) in Senegal


Youssouf Sereme,Sandra Madariaga Zarza,Hacène Medkour,Soraya Mezouar,Laia Dotras,Amanda Barciela,R Adriana Hernandez-Aguilar,Joana Vitte,David Šmajs,Meriem Louni,Baptiste Mulot,Antoine Leclerc,Jean-Pascal Guéry,Nicolas Orain,Georges Diatta,Cheikh Sokhna,Didier Raoult,Bernard Davoust,Florence Fenollar,Oleg Mediannikov


One Health

Published Date


Treponematoses encompass a group of chronic and debilitating bacterial diseases transmitted sexually or by direct contact and attributed to Treponema pallidum. Despite being documented since as far back as 1963, the epidemiology of treponematoses in wild primates has remained an uninvestigated territory due to the inherent challenges associated with conducting examinations and obtaining invasive biological samples from wild animals. The primary aim of this study was to investigate the presence of treponemal infections in the critically endangered Western chimpanzees in Senegal, utilizing an innovative non-invasive stool serology method. We provide compelling evidence of the existence of anti-Treponema-specific antibodies in 13 out of 29 individual chimpanzees. Our study also underscores the significant potential of stool serology as a valuable non-invasive tool for monitoring and surveilling crucial …

Diagnostic biologique de la pollinose aux graminées: il suffit d’un test!


L Fuster,P Rodriguez-Mathieu,D Giusti,N Tanghe,J Vitte,C Klingebiel


Revue Française d'Allergologie

Published Date


Introduction (contexte de la recherche)Les graminées sont une des plus importantes sources d’aéroallergènes. Malgré la réactivité croisée, un large panel est disponible pour la recherche des IgE (5 mélanges, 21 extraits, 11 molécules). Il n’existe pas de données françaises sur les performances comparées de ces réactifs pour un choix raisonné.ObjectifComparer les sensibilisations vis-à-vis d’un mélange, d’extraits et de molécules de pollen de graminées dans trois régions françaises.MéthodesLes résultats de 632 patients (336 hommes, âge médian 15 ans, 1–84) cliniquement suspects d’une pollinose aux graminées, explorés au sein des laboratoires Synlab Provence, Inovie Île-de-France et du GHT Reims, ont été analysés rétrospectivement. Les IgE contre six extraits de pollens de graminées (flouve, dactyle, ivraie, phléole, seigle et houlque), le mélange les contenant et l’association d’allergènes moléculaires …

Towards an artificial intelligence-assisted allergy diagnosis using semantic attributes and allergen multiplex technology


Guillaume Martinroche,Julien Goret,Amir Guemari,Pol-André Apoil,Isabella Annesi-Maesano,Eric Fromentin,Laurent Guilleminault,Davide P Caimmi,Caroline Klingebiel,Alain Didier,Joana Vitte,Pascal Demoly


Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology

Published Date


MethodsA retrospective French nationwide dataset of 4,271 patients with up to 295 allergen-specific IgE values and 25 encoded clinical items was collected in 2022 (French Society of Allergology (SFA), Health Data Hub (HDH), AllergoBioNet). An international crowdsourced machine learning 3-month competition was hosted by Trustii. io. The aim was to predict allergy diagnosis, severity, category (airborne vs food vs venom) and culprit allergen. Criteria for algorithm evaluation were the F-score and external validation (80%-20%, respectively).ResultsA total of 3135 algorithms submissions were submitted by 292 data scientists. Best F-scores were very close to 80%. Models associated with highest F-scores used multiple binary classifier such as LightGBM, CatBoost, XGBoost (adapted for tabular datasets with categorical features). Associating rule mining, feature engineering and determining unique thresholds …

Epidemiology of the relationship between allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis and asthma


Matteo Maule,Joana Vitte,Francesca Ambrosani,Marco Caminati

Published Date


Reliable epidemiological data and advances in the diagnostic procedures can facilitate the detection of ABPA among asthmatic patients, improving the management of a still under-recognized and challenging condition.

Strategy and tools for an inclusive, development-oriented online open educational resource in allergen science


Ekansh Sharma,Merima Mehic,Paolo Matricardi,Magnus Borres,Joana Vitte


Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology

Published Date


MethodsAn international team of allergy and IT experts designed and implemented a comprehensive English OER in allergen science, unrestricted, available worldwide, and monitored anonymously at country level (unique visitors, visit-duration, webpages consulted). Top 10 user countries were analyzed as a function of English status and 5-year PubMed publications (allergen AND country).ResultsAn OER (Allergen Encyclopedia) addressing allergen extracts and molecules was implemented with> 550 webpages and received> 345,000 unique visits (Nov 2020-Oct 2022). Top 10 countries comprised 5 E and 5 non-E. OER visits from E were shorter (4 vs 7 min, p 10e-5), spanned fewer webpages (1.7 vs 4, p 7e-7), with greater median visit-duration per page in E (2 vs 1 min, p 0.002). In both groups, publication output had a positive association (Pearson’s coefficient 0.97 and 0.61) with the number of unique visitors …

Comparison of analytical performance of three multiallergen respiratory screening assays


P Mathieu,R Bilir,R Philippe,G Gay,P H Campagni,J Vitte,W Belhocine,T Bensaid,S Benhabib,C Klingebiel

Published Date


Comparison of analytical performance of three multiallergen respiratory screening assays - Aix-Marseille Université Accéder directement au contenu Documentation FR Français (FR) Anglais (EN) Se connecter Portail HAL AMU Recherche Loading... Recherche avancée Information de documents Titres Titres Sous-titre Titre de l'ouvrage Titre du volume (Série) Champ de recherche par défaut (multicritères) + texte intégral des PDF Résumé Texte intégral indexé des documents PDF Mots-clés Type de document Sous-type de document Tous les identifiants du document Identifiant HAL du dépôt Langue du document (texte) Pays (Texte) Ville À paraître (true ou false) Ajouter Auteur Auteur (multicritères) Auteur (multicritères) Auteur : Nom complet Auteur : Nom de famille Auteur : Prénom Auteur : Complément de nom, deuxième prénom Auteur : Organisme payeur Auteur : IdHal (chaîne de caractères) Auteur : Fonction …

De la physiopathologie à la médecine personnalisée: IgG4, IgA et activation des basophiles pour le suivi d’efficacité d’une ITA


M Michel,M Lagreula,J Charpy,J Goret,S Mehlal-Sedkaoui,J-L Bourrain,J Vitte


Revue Française d'Allergologie

Published Date


Author links open overlay panel M. Michel a b c, M. Lagreula d, J. Charpy c e, J. Goret b e, S. Mehlal-Sedkaoui b f, J.-L. Bourrain g h i, J. Vitte c i j

Induction of Immunotolerance by a Recombinant Bacterial Protein in Experimental Asthma


Christine Serratrice,Joana Vitte,Sebastian Reuter,Christian Taube,Jeffrey Shaw


Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology

Published Date


MethodsA phenotypic screen was performed in 12 different primary human cell systems. Cytokine production (ELISA, Luminex), focusing on TGF-b and IL-10 expression, was measured in murine and human monocyte-derived macrophages (Mph) and dendritic cells (DCs).

Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis: a multidisciplinary review


Amytis Roboubi,Camille Audousset,Émilie Fréalle,Anne-Laure Brun,François Laurent,Joana Vitte,Geoffrey Mortuaire,Guillaume Lefevre,Jacques Cadranel,Cécile Chenivesse

Published Date


Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA) is a rare disease characterized by a complex allergic inflammatory reaction of airways against Aspergillus affecting patients with chronic respiratory diseases (asthma, cystic fibrosis). Exacerbation is often the way to diagnose ABPA and marks its evolution by its recurrent character leading to cortico-requirement or long-term antifungal treatment. Early diagnosis allows treatment of ABPA at an initial stage, preventing recurrence of exacerbations and long-term complications, mainly represented by bronchiectasis. This review of the literature aims to present the current state of the art in terms of diagnosis and treatment of ABPA from a multidisciplinary perspective. As there is no clinical, biological nor radiological specific sign, diagnostic criteria are regularly revised. They are mainly based on the elevation of total and specific IgE against Aspergillus fumigatus and the …

NOVEOS (Hycor) demonstrates better clinical performance than ImmunoCAP™(Thermofisher) for food allergy diagnosis


POL ANDRE APOIL,B Trouche-Estival,J Vitte,Audrey Martin-Blondel,M Michelet,V Gruzelle,Alain Didier,Laurent Guilleminault,Claire Mailhol,S Martinez Rivera,A De Lima Correia,C Taurus,A Blancher,Julien GORET,Caroline Klingebiel


Authorea Preprints

Published Date


Background The aim of this study was to compare the technical and clinical effectiveness of two platforms (Phadia ImmunoCAP™ and Hycor NOVEOS) for the measurement of IgE specific for 10 food allergens. Methods 289 patients, as part of allergy diagnosis or of their follow-up were included and tested for IgE specific for six food allergen extracts (egg white, cow’s milk, peanut, hazelnut, fish, shrimp) and four molecular allergens (Gal d 1, Bos d 8, Ara h 2, Cor a 14). Specific IgE measurements were carried out using the ImmunoCAP™ and NOVEOS methods. Food allergy diagnosis was established according to international guidelines. Results A very good correlation (rho>0.9) was present between the two platforms, while specific IgE concentrations measured with NOVEOS were consistently lower (mean -15%) than with ImmunoCAP™. NOVEOS provided higher overall odd-ratios and relative risks for allergen extracts than ImmunoCAP™, but the difference was not significant. When all ten allergens were considered, NOVEOS provided better ROC curves (p=0.03) and thus, had a better ability to establish the true value. Finally, we found that the most discordant results were observed with hazelnut and peanut extracts, and were related to cross-reactive carbohydrate determinants on these two ImmunoCAP™. Conclusions Specific IgE determination by either ImmunoCAP™ (odd-ratios of allergy = 25.1) or NOVEOS (odd-ratios of allergy = 33.0) is similarly highly informative on the risk of allergy in the selected population. The NOVEOS platform presents the advantage of being less affected by unwanted reactivity due to IgE specific for carbohydrate …

Tryptase in type I hypersensitivity


Moïse Michel,Caroline Klingebiel,Joana Vitte

Published Date


Tryptase is currently the main mast cell biomarker available in medical practice. Tryptase determination is a quantitative test performed in serum or plasma for the diagnosis, stratification, and follow-up of mast cell–related conditions. The continuous secretion of monomeric α and β protryptases forms the baseline tryptase level. Transient, activation-induced release of tryptase is known as acute tryptase. Because mast cells are tissue-resident cells, the detection of an acute tryptase release in the bloodstream is protracted, with a delay of 15 to 20 minutes after the onset of symptoms and a peak at approximately 1 hour. Constitutive release of tryptase is a marker of mast cell number and activity status, whereas transient release of mature tryptase is a marker of mast cell degranulation. Although consensual as a concept, the application of this statement in clinical practice has only been clarified since 2020. For baseline …

A compilation answering 50 questions on monkeypox virus and the current monkeypox outbreak


Beatriz Cabanillas,Giuseppe Murdaca,Amir Guemari,Maria Jose Torres,Ahmet Kursat Azkur,Emel Aksoy,Joana Vitte,Leticia de Las Vecillas,Mattia Giovannini,Ruben Fernández‐Santamaria,Riccardo Castagnoli,Andrea Orsi,Rosa Amato,Irene Giberti,Alba Català,Dominika Ambrozej,Bianca Schaub,Gerdien A Tramper‐Stranders,Natalija Novak,Kari C Nadeau,Ioana Agache,Mubeccel Akdis,Cezmi A Akdis



Published Date


The current monkeypox disease (MPX) outbreak constitutes a new threat and challenge for our society. With more than 55,000 confirmed cases in 103 countries, World Health Organization declared the ongoing MPX outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) on July 23, 2022. The current MPX outbreak is the largest, most widespread, and most serious since the diagnosis of the first case of MPX in 1970 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), a country where MPX is an endemic disease. Throughout history, there have only been sporadic and self‐limiting outbreaks of MPX outside Africa, with a total of 58 cases described from 2003 to 2021. This figure contrasts with the current outbreak of 2022, in which more than 55,000 cases have been confirmed in just 4 months. MPX is, in most cases, self‐limiting; however, severe clinical manifestations and complications have been …

Profils de sensibilisation IgG déterminés par biopuce à allergènes dans des échantillons fécaux néonataux et survenue d’allergie au cours de la 1ère année de vie


A Guemari,J Andrieu,J Vitte,A Filleron,TA Tran,P Corbeau,Y Sereme,M Michel


Revue Française d'Allergologie

Published Date


Introduction (contexte de la recherche)L’immunité intestinale des nouveau-nés prématurés est méconnue. La présence d’immunoglobulines G (IgG) maternelles dans les selles de prématurés a été rapportée, mais leur spécificité n’est pas connue. Chez des enfants nés à terme, des liens entre des IgG circulantes vis-à-vis d’antigènes environnementaux et le développement ultérieur de maladies allergiques ont été suggérés.ObjectifÉtablir des profils d’IgG fécales néonatales chez le prématuré en déterminant leur spécificité vis-à-vis d’un large panel d’antigènes environnementaux. Comparer ces profils selon l’apparition ou non d’une maladie allergique pendant la 1ère année de vie.MéthodesAu total, 21 prélèvements fécaux néonataux (cohorte de prématurés, NCT02738411) ont été sélectionnés selon l’apparition ou non d’un asthme, d’une dermatite atopique (DA) ou d’une allergie alimentaire (allergie au lait de …

La coopération entre allergologues et biologistes membres du réseau AllergoBioNet: le succès d’un modèle français


D Mariotte,C Beauvillain,L Garnier,J Goret,P Nicaise-Roland,S Rogeau,A Sarrat,J Vitte,G Pouessel


Revue Française d'Allergologie

Published Date


Le réseau AllergoBioNet est constitué de biologistes hospitaliers spécialistes des analyses contribuant au diagnostic et au suivi des maladies allergiques. Initialement constitué d’une dizaine de membres, il comporte actuellement soixante-dix-neuf biologistes français exerçant dans 29 CHU et 15 CH, ainsi qu’un biologiste belge. Parmi ces laboratoires, 10 ont été labellisés « laboratoires de biologie médicale de référence » (LBMR) du fait de leur expertise des explorations biologiques des maladies allergiques, des autres causes d’hypersensibilité, des pathologies mastocytaires et du complément. Les objectifs principaux des biologistes du réseau sont de tester et mettre en oeuvre des techniques robustes et fiables accréditées par le COFRAC, d’être un outil de formation médicale continue pour maintenir et actualiser les connaissances et compétences et de promouvoir des projets de recherche dont les résultats …

Multiplex Specific IgE Profiling in Neonatal Stool of Preterms Predicts IgE-mediated Disease


Youssouf Sereme,Moïse Michel,Soraya Mezouar,Nicolas Orain,Renaud Cezar,Tran Tu Anh,Pierre Corbeau,Anne Filleron,Joana Vitte



Published Date


Background The natural history of immunoglobulin (Ig) E-mediated diseases in preterm infants is still elusive. We aimed at developing a non-invasive tool for detecting specific IgE (sIgE) and eosinophil-derived neurotoxin (EDN) in neonatal fecal samples and evaluating its predictive value for the development of IgE-mediated diseases during the first year of life. Methods We developed a stool extraction protocol, followed by freeze-drying and solubilization. The sIgEs were investigated in neonatal fecal samples from 21 preterm infants with a 300-allergen multiplex and confirmed by a capillary Western blot with a nano-immunoassay. EDN concentration was used to investigate the local eosinophilic component. Results The multiplexed allergen assay detected sIgE in all of the samples. A Western blot was used to confirm the results. The frequency and levels of sIgE in the neonatal fecal samples differed between the infants who developed IgE-mediated diseases and the controls. Allergen specificity was associated with the development of cow’s milk allergy (CMA) and asthma. The development of CMA was predicted by the sIgE response to milk proteins (sensitivity was 88%; specificity was 78%). The EDN levels predicted the development of IgE-mediated diseases (sensitivity was 100%; specificity was 75%). Conclusion The non-invasive investigation of neonatal fecal sIgE is a promising tool for predicting the subsequent development of IgE-mediated diseases. Clinical Implications The non-invasive sIgE and EDN profiling of neonatal fecal samples from preterm infants can predict the development of IgE-mediated diseases.

See List of Professors in Joana Vitte University(Aix-Marseille Université)

Joana Vitte FAQs

What is Joana Vitte's h-index at Aix-Marseille Université?

The h-index of Joana Vitte has been 23 since 2020 and 28 in total.

What are Joana Vitte's top articles?

The articles with the titles of

Toward a much-needed coming of age: Diagnosis of allergic sensitization to fungi

NOVEOS and ImmunoCAP Have Similar Performances for Diagnosing Food Allergies

Novel Immunopharmacological Drugs for the Treatment of Allergic Diseases

Paediatric perioperative hypersensitivity: the performance of the current consensus formula and the effect of uneventful anaesthesia on serum tryptase

A systematic review of allergen cross-reactivity: translating basic concepts into clinical relevance

Treponematosis in critically endangered Western chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) in Senegal

Diagnostic biologique de la pollinose aux graminées: il suffit d’un test!

Towards an artificial intelligence-assisted allergy diagnosis using semantic attributes and allergen multiplex technology


are the top articles of Joana Vitte at Aix-Marseille Université.

What are Joana Vitte's research interests?

The research interests of Joana Vitte are: Immunology, Allergology

What is Joana Vitte's total number of citations?

Joana Vitte has 2,636 citations in total.

What are the co-authors of Joana Vitte?

The co-authors of Joana Vitte are Didier Raoult, Marc Leone, Philippe Colson, Matthieu Million, Stéphane Ranque, Alexandre Fabre.


    H-index: 211
    Didier Raoult

    Didier Raoult

    Aix-Marseille Université

    H-index: 73
    Marc Leone

    Marc Leone

    Aix-Marseille Université

    H-index: 71
    Philippe Colson

    Philippe Colson

    Aix-Marseille Université

    H-index: 60
    Matthieu Million

    Matthieu Million

    Aix-Marseille Université

    H-index: 48
    Stéphane Ranque

    Stéphane Ranque

    Aix-Marseille Université

    H-index: 27
    Alexandre Fabre

    Alexandre Fabre

    Aix-Marseille Université


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