Joerg Schmiedmayer

Joerg Schmiedmayer

Technische Universität Wien

H-index: 89


About Joerg Schmiedmayer

Joerg Schmiedmayer, With an exceptional h-index of 89 and a recent h-index of 47 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Technische Universität Wien, specializes in the field of Quantum Physics, Quantum Technologies, quantum many-body systems, non equilibrium, Atom Chips.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Squeezing oscillations in a multimode bosonic Josephson junction

Determination of dynamical quantum phase transitions for boson systems using the Loschmidt cumulants method

Systematic analysis of relative phase extraction in one-dimensional Bose gases interferometry

Hamiltonian Learning in Quantum Field Theories

Self-Induced Superradiant Masing

Matter-wave interferometers with trapped strongly interacting Feshbach molecules

Hydrogen crystals reduce dissipation in superconducting resonators

Whitham approach to Generalized Hydrodynamics

Joerg Schmiedmayer Information


Technische Universität Wien


Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Technische Universität Wien

Joerg Schmiedmayer Skills & Research Interests

Quantum Physics

Quantum Technologies

quantum many-body systems

non equilibrium

Atom Chips

Top articles of Joerg Schmiedmayer

Squeezing oscillations in a multimode bosonic Josephson junction


Tiantian Zhang,Mira Maiwöger,Filippo Borselli,Yevhenii Kuriatnikov,Jörg Schmiedmayer,Maximilian Prüfer


Physical Review X

Published Date


Quantum simulators built from ultracold atoms promise to study quantum phenomena in interacting many-body systems. However, it remains a challenge to experimentally prepare strongly correlated continuous systems such that the properties are dominated by quantum fluctuations. Here, we show how to enhance the quantum correlations in a one-dimensional multimode bosonic Josephson junction, which is a quantum simulator of the sine-Gordon field theory. Our approach is based on the ability to track the nonequilibrium dynamics of quantum properties. After creating a bosonic Josephson junction at the stable fixed point of the classical phase space, we observe squeezing oscillations in the two conjugate variables. We show that the squeezing oscillation frequency can be tuned by more than one order of magnitude, and we are able to achieve a spin squeezing close to 10 dB by utilizing these oscillatory …

Determination of dynamical quantum phase transitions for boson systems using the Loschmidt cumulants method


Pengju Zhao,Jingxin Sun,Shengjie Jin,Zhongshu Hu,Dingping Li,Xiong-Jun Liu,Jörg Schmiedmayer,Xuzong Chen


Physical Review A

Published Date


We study the dynamical quantum phase transition (DQPT) of the Bose-Hubbard model utilizing the recently developed Loschmidt cumulants method. We determine the complex Loschmidt zeros of the Loschmidt amplitude analogous to the Lee-Yang zeros of the thermal partition function. We obtain the DQPT critical points through identifying the crossing points with the imaginary axis. The critical points show high accuracy when compared to those obtained using the matrix product states method. In addition, we show how the critical points of DQPT can be determined by analyzing the energy fluctuation of the initial state, which makes it a valuable tool for future studies in this area. Finally, DQPT in the extended Bose-Hubbard model is also investigated.

Systematic analysis of relative phase extraction in one-dimensional Bose gases interferometry


Taufiq Murtadho,Marek Gluza,Khatee Zathul Arifa,Sebastian Erne,Jörg Schmiedmayer,Nelly Ng


arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.05528

Published Date


Spatially resolved relative phase measurement of two adjacent 1D Bose gases is enabled by matter-wave interference upon free expansion. However, longitudinal dynamics is typically ignored in the analysis of experimental data. We provide an analytical formula showing a correction to the readout of the relative phase due to longitudinal expansion and mixing with the common phase. We numerically assess the error propagation to the estimation of the gases' physical quantities such as correlation functions and temperature. Our work characterizes the reliability and robustness of interferometric measurements, directing us to the improvement of existing phase extraction methods necessary to observe new physical phenomena in cold-atomic quantum simulators.

Hamiltonian Learning in Quantum Field Theories


Robert Ott,Torsten V Zache,Maximilian Prüfer,Sebastian Erne,Mohammadamin Tajik,Hannes Pichler,Jörg Schmiedmayer,Peter Zoller


arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.01308

Published Date


We discuss Hamiltonian learning in quantum field theories as a protocol for systematically extracting the operator content and coupling constants of effective field theory Hamiltonians from experimental data. Learning the Hamiltonian for varying spatial measurement resolutions gives access to field theories at different energy scales, and allows to learn a flow of Hamiltonians reminiscent of the renormalization group. Our method, which we demonstrate in both theoretical studies and available data from a quantum gas experiment, promises new ways of addressing the emergence of quantum field theories in quantum simulation experiments.

Self-Induced Superradiant Masing


Wenzel Kersten,Nikolaus de Zordo,Elena S Redchenko,Nikolaos Lagos,Andrew N Kanagin,Andreas Angerer,William J Munro,Kae Nemoto,Igor E Mazets,Jörg Schmiedmayer


arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.08537

Published Date


We study superradiant masing in a hybrid system composed of nitrogen-vacancy center spins in diamond coupled to a superconducting microwave cavity. After the first fast superradiant decay we observe transient pulsed and then quasi-continuous masing. This emission dynamics can be described by a phenomenological model incorporating the transfer of inverted spin excitations into the superradiant window of spins resonant with the cavity. After experimentally excluding cQED effects associated with the pumping of the masing transition we conjecture that direct higher-order spin-spin interactions are responsible for creating the dynamics and the transition to the sustained masing. Our experiment thus opens up a novel way to explore many-body physics in disordered systems through cQED and superradiance.

Matter-wave interferometers with trapped strongly interacting Feshbach molecules


Chen Li,Qi Liang,Pradyumna Paranjape,RuGway Wu,Jörg Schmiedmayer


arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.05092

Published Date


We implement two types of matter wave interferometers using trapped Bose-condensed Feshbach molecules, from weak to strong interactions. In each case, we focus on investigating interaction effects and their implications for the performance. In the Ramsey-type interferometer where the interference between the two motional quantum states in an optical lattice is observed, inter-particle interactions are found to induce energy shifts in the states. Consequently, this results in a reduction of the interferometer frequency and introduces a phase shift during the lattice pulses used for state manipulation. Furthermore, non-uniformity leads to dephasing and collisional losses of condensate contribute to the degradation of contrast. In the Michelson-type interferometer, where matter waves are spatially split and recombined in a waveguide, interference is observed in the presence of significant interaction, however coherence degrades with increasing interaction strength. Notably, coherence is also observed in thermal clouds, indicating the white-color nature of the implemented Michelson interferometer.

Hydrogen crystals reduce dissipation in superconducting resonators


Francesco Valenti,Andrew N Kanagin,Andreas Angerer,Luiza Buimaga-Iarinca,Cristian Morari,Jörg Schmiedmayer,Ioan M Pop


Physical Review B

Published Date


We show that the internal quality factors of high-impedance superconducting resonators made of granular aluminum can be improved by coating them with micrometric films of solid parahydrogen molecular crystals. We attribute the average measured≈ 8% reduction in dissipation to the absorption of stray terahertz radiation at the crystal-resonator interface and the subsequent dissipation of its energy in the form of phonons below the pair-breaking gap. Our results prove that contrary to expectations, replacing the vacuum dielectric atop a superconducting resonator can be beneficial, thanks to the added protection against Cooper pair-braking terahertz radiation. Moreover, at the level of internal quality factors in the 10 5 range, the hydrogen crystal does not introduce additional losses, which is promising for embedding impurities to couple to superconducting thin-film devices in hybrid quantum architectures.

Whitham approach to Generalized Hydrodynamics


Frederik Møller,Philipp Schüttelkopf,Jörg Schmiedmayer,Sebastian Erne


Physical Review Research

Published Date


The formation of dispersive shock waves in one-dimensional Bose gas represents a limitation of Generalized Hydrodynamics (GHD) due to the coarse-grained nature of the theory. Nevertheless, GHD accurately captures long-wavelength behavior, thus indicating an implicit knowledge of the underlying microscopic physics. Such representations are already known through the Whitham modulation theory, where dispersionless equations describe the evolution of the slowly varying shock wave parameters. Here we study the correspondence between Whitham's approach to the Gross-Pitaevskii equation and GHD in the semiclassical limit and beyond. Our findings enable the recovery of the shock wave solution directly from GHD simulations, which we demonstrate for both zero and finite temperature. Additionally, we study how free expansion protocols affect the shock wave density and their implications for …

Verification of the area law of mutual information in a quantum field simulator


Mohammadamin Tajik,Ivan Kukuljan,Spyros Sotiriadis,Bernhard Rauer,Thomas Schweigler,Federica Cataldini,João Sabino,Frederik Møller,Philipp Schüttelkopf,Si-Cong Ji,Dries Sels,Eugene Demler,Jörg Schmiedmayer


Nature Physics

Published Date


The theoretical understanding of scaling laws of entropies and mutual information has led to substantial advances in the study of correlated states of matter, quantum field theory and gravity. Experimentally measuring von Neumann entropy in quantum many-body systems is challenging, as it requires complete knowledge of the density matrix, which normally requires the implementation of full state reconstruction techniques. Here we measure the von Neumann entropy of spatially extended subsystems in an ultracold atom simulator of one-dimensional quantum field theories. We experimentally verify one of the fundamental properties of equilibrium states of gapped quantum many-body systems—the area law of quantum mutual information. We also study the dependence of mutual information on temperature and on the separation between the subsystems. Our work represents a step towards employing ultracold …

Experimental observation of curved light-cones in a quantum field simulator


Mohammadamin Tajik,Marek Gluza,Nicolas Sebe,Philipp Schüttelkopf,Federica Cataldini,João Sabino,Frederik Møller,Si-Cong Ji,Sebastian Erne,Giacomo Guarnieri,Spyros Sotiriadis,Jens Eisert,Jörg Schmiedmayer


Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Published Date


We investigate signal propagation in a quantum field simulator of the Klein–Gordon model realized by two strongly coupled parallel one-dimensional quasi-condensates. By measuring local phononic fields after a quench, we observe the propagation of correlations along sharp light-cone fronts. If the local atomic density is inhomogeneous, these propagation fronts are curved. For sharp edges, the propagation fronts are reflected at the system’s boundaries. By extracting the space-dependent variation of the front velocity from the data, we find agreement with theoretical predictions based on curved geodesics of an inhomogeneous metric. This work extends the range of quantum simulations of nonequilibrium field dynamics in general space–time metrics.

Optimizing optical potentials with physics-inspired learning algorithms


Martino Calzavara,Yevhenii Kuriatnikov,Andreas Deutschmann-Olek,Felix Motzoi,Sebastian Erne,Andreas Kugi,Tommaso Calarco,Jörg Schmiedmayer,Maximilian Prüfer


Physical Review Applied

Published Date


We present our experimental and theoretical framework, which combines a broadband superluminescent diode with fast learning algorithms to provide speed and accuracy improvements for the optimization of on-dimensional optical dipole potentials, here generated with a digital micromirror device. To characterize the setup and potential speckle patterns arising from coherence, we compare the superluminescent diode to a single-mode laser by investigating interference properties. We employ machine-learning tools to train a physics-inspired model acting as a digital twin of the optical system predicting the behavior of the optical apparatus including all its imperfections. Implementing an iterative algorithm based on iterative learning control we optimize optical potentials an order of magnitude faster than heuristic optimization methods. We compare iterative model-based “offline” optimization and experimental …

Identifying diffusive length scales in one-dimensional Bose gases


Frederik Møller,Federica Cataldini,Jörg Schmiedmayer


arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.14007

Published Date


In the hydrodynamics of integrable models, diffusion is a subleading correction to ballistic propagation. Here we quantify the diffusive contribution for one-dimensional Bose gases and find it most influential in the crossover between the main thermodynamic regimes of the gas. Analysing the experimentally measured dynamics of a single density mode, we find diffusion to be relevant only for high wavelength excitations. Instead, the observed relaxation is solely caused by a ballistically driven dephasing process, whose time scale is related to the phonon lifetime of the system and is thus useful to evaluate the applicability of the phonon bases typically used in quantum field simulators.

Testing collapse models with Bose-Einstein-condensate interferometry


Björn Schrinski,Philipp Haslinger,Jörg Schmiedmayer,Klaus Hornberger,Stefan Nimmrichter


Physical Review A

Published Date


The model of continuous spontaneous localization (CSL) is the most prominent consistent modification of quantum mechanics predicting an objective quantum-to-classical transition. Here we show that precision interferometry with Bose-Einstein-condensed atoms can serve to lower the current empirical bound on the localization rate parameter by several orders of magnitude. This works by focusing on the atom count distributions rather than just mean population imbalances in the interferometric signal of squeezed Bose-Einstein condendates, without the need for highly entangled Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger-like states. In fact, the interplay between CSL-induced diffusion and dispersive atom-atom interactions results in an amplified sensitivity of the condensate to CSL. We discuss experimentally realistic measurement schemes utilizing state-of-the-art experimental techniques to test new regions of parameter …

Generalized hydrodynamics: a perspective


Benjamin Doyon,Sarang Gopalakrishnan,Frederik Møller,Jörg Schmiedmayer,Romain Vasseur


arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.03438

Published Date


Conventional hydrodynamics describes systems with few long-lived excitations. In one dimension, however, many experimentally relevant systems feature a large number of long-lived excitations even at high temperature, because they are proximate to integrable limits. Such models cannot be treated using conventional hydrodynamics. The framework of generalized hydrodynamics (GHD) was recently developed to treat the dynamics of one-dimensional models: it combines ideas from integrability, hydrodynamics, and kinetic theory to come up with a quantitative theory of transport. GHD has successfully settled several longstanding questions about one-dimensional transport; it has also been leveraged to study dynamical questions beyond the transport of conserved quantities, and to systems that are not integrable. In this article we introduce the main ideas and predictions of GHD, survey some of the most recent theoretical extensions and experimental tests of the GHD framework, and discuss some open questions in transport that the GHD perspective might elucidate.

Optimal control of quasi-1D Bose gases in optical box potentials


Andreas Deutschmann-Olek,Katharina Schrom,Nikolaus Würkner,Jörg Schmiedmayer,Sebastian Erne,Andreas Kugi



Published Date


In this paper, we investigate the manipulation of quasi-1D Bose gases that are trapped in a highly elongated potential by optimal control methods. The effective mean-field dynamics of the gas can be described by a one-dimensional non-polynomial Schrödinger equation. We extend the indirect optimal control method for the Gross-Pitaevskii equation by Winckel and Borzì (2008) to obtain necessary optimality conditions for state and energy cost functionals. This approach is then applied to optimally compress a quasi-1D Bose gase in an (optical) box potential, i.e., to find a so-called short-cut to adiabaticity, by solving the optimality conditions numerically. The behavior of the proposed method is finally analyzed and compared to simple direct optimization strategies using reduced basis functions. Simulations results demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed approach.

Triggered superradiance and spin inversion storage in a hybrid quantum system


Wenzel Kersten,Nikolaus De Zordo,Oliver Diekmann,Tobias Reiter,Matthias Zens,Andrew N Kanagin,Stefan Rotter,Jörg Schmiedmayer,Andreas Angerer


Physical Review Letters

Published Date


We study the superradiant emission of an inverted spin ensemble strongly coupled to a superconducting cavity. After fast inversion, we detune the spins from the cavity and store the inversion for tens of milliseconds, during which the remaining transverse spin components disappear. Switching back on resonance enables us to study the onset of superradiance. A weak trigger pulse of a few hundred photons shifts the superradiant burst to earlier times and imprints its phase onto the emitted radiation. For long hold times, the inversion decreases below the threshold for spontaneous superradiance. There, the energy stored in the ensemble can be used to amplify microwave pulses passing through the cavity.

Nonlinear quantum gates for a bose-einstein condensate


Shu Xu,Jörg Schmiedmayer,Barry C Sanders


Physical Review Research

Published Date


Quantum interferometry and quantum information processing have been proposed for Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs), but BECs are described in complicated ways such as using quantum field theory or using a nonlinear differential equation. Nonlinear quantum mechanics does not mesh well with the superposition principle at the heart of interferometry and quantum information processing but could be compatible. Thus, we develop a rigorous foundation for quantum gates, obtained by solving the equation for evolution, and then we employ this foundation, combined with quantum-control techniques and appropriate state-sampling techniques, to devise feasible nonlinear Hadamard gates and thereby feasible, ie, high-contrast, nonlinear Ramsey interferometry. Our approach to BEC interferometry and quantum logic shifts the paradigm by enlarging to the case of nonlinear quantum mechanics, which we apply to …

Iterative shaping of optical potentials for one-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensates


Andreas Deutschmann-Olek,Mohammadamin Tajik,Martino Calzavara,Jörg Schmiedmayer,Tommaso Calarco,Andreas Kugi

Published Date


The ability to manipulate clouds of ultra-cold atoms is crucial for modern experiments on quantum many-body systems and quantum thermodynamics as well as future metrological applications of Bose-Einstein condensate. While optical manipulation offers almost arbitrary flexibility, the precise control of the resulting dipole potentials and the mitigation of unwanted disturbances is quite involved and only heuristic algorithms with rather slow convergence rates are available up to now. This paper thus suggests the application of iterative learning control (ILC) methods to generate fine-tuned effective potentials in the presence of uncertainties and external disturbances. Therefore, the given problem is reformulated to obtain a one-dimensional tracking problem by using a quasicontinuous input mapping which can be treated by established ILC methods. Finally, the performance of the proposed concept is illustrated in a …

Mechanisms for the emergence of Gaussian correlations


Marek Gluza,Thomas Schweigler,Mohammadamin Tajik,João Sabino,Federica Cataldini,Frederik Skovbo Møller,Si-Cong Ji,Bernhard Rauer,Jörg Schmiedmayer,Jens Eisert,Spyros Sotiriadis


SciPost Physics

Published Date


We comprehensively investigate two distinct mechanisms leading to memory loss of non-Gaussian correlations after switching off the interactions in an isolated quantum system undergoing out-of-equilibrium dynamics. The first mechanism is based on spatial scrambling and results in the emergence of locally Gaussian steady states in large systems evolving over long times. The second mechanism, characterized ascanonical transmutation', is based on the mixing of a pair of canonically conjugate fields, one of which initially exhibits non-Gaussian fluctuations while the other is Gaussian and dominates the dynamics, resulting in the emergence of relative Gaussianity even at finite system sizes and times. We evaluate signatures of the occurrence of the two candidate mechanisms in a recent experiment that has observed Gaussification in an atom-chip controlled ultracold gas and elucidate evidence that it is canonical transmutation rather than spatial scrambling that is responsible for Gaussification in the experiment. Both mechanisms are shown to share the common feature that the Gaussian correlations revealed dynamically by the quench are already present though practically inaccessible at the initial time. On the way, we present novel observations based on the experimental data, demonstrating clustering of equilibrium correlations, analyzing the dynamics of full counting statistics, and utilizing tomographic reconstructions of quantum field states. Our work aims at providing an accessible presentation of the potential of atom-chip experiments to explore fundamental aspects of quantum field theories in quantum simulations.

Floquet engineering a bosonic Josephson junction


Si-Cong Ji,Thomas Schweigler,Mohammadamin Tajik,Federica Cataldini,João Sabino,Frederik S Møller,Sebastian Erne,Jörg Schmiedmayer


Physical Review Letters

Published Date


We study Floquet engineering of the tunnel coupling between a pair of one-dimensional bosonic quasicondensates in a tilted double-well potential. By modulating the energy difference between the two wells, we reestablish tunnel coupling and precisely control its amplitude and phase. This allows us to initiate coherence between two initially uncorrelated Bose gases and prepare different initial states in the emerging sine-Gordon Hamiltonian. We fully characterize the Floquet system and study the dependence of both equilibrium properties and relaxation on the modulation.

See List of Professors in Joerg Schmiedmayer University(Technische Universität Wien)

Joerg Schmiedmayer FAQs

What is Joerg Schmiedmayer's h-index at Technische Universität Wien?

The h-index of Joerg Schmiedmayer has been 47 since 2020 and 89 in total.

What are Joerg Schmiedmayer's top articles?

The articles with the titles of

Squeezing oscillations in a multimode bosonic Josephson junction

Determination of dynamical quantum phase transitions for boson systems using the Loschmidt cumulants method

Systematic analysis of relative phase extraction in one-dimensional Bose gases interferometry

Hamiltonian Learning in Quantum Field Theories

Self-Induced Superradiant Masing

Matter-wave interferometers with trapped strongly interacting Feshbach molecules

Hydrogen crystals reduce dissipation in superconducting resonators

Whitham approach to Generalized Hydrodynamics


are the top articles of Joerg Schmiedmayer at Technische Universität Wien.

What are Joerg Schmiedmayer's research interests?

The research interests of Joerg Schmiedmayer are: Quantum Physics, Quantum Technologies, quantum many-body systems, non equilibrium, Atom Chips

What is Joerg Schmiedmayer's total number of citations?

Joerg Schmiedmayer has 29,152 citations in total.

What are the co-authors of Joerg Schmiedmayer?

The co-authors of Joerg Schmiedmayer are Anton Zeilinger, Jian-Wei Pan, Eugene Demler, Dave Pritchard, Yu-Ao Chen, Igor Lesanovsky.


    H-index: 146
    Anton Zeilinger

    Anton Zeilinger

    Universität Wien

    H-index: 127
    Jian-Wei Pan

    Jian-Wei Pan

    University of Science and Technology of China

    H-index: 110
    Eugene Demler

    Eugene Demler

    Harvard University

    H-index: 90
    Dave Pritchard

    Dave Pritchard

    Massachusetts Institute of Technology

    H-index: 60
    Yu-Ao Chen

    Yu-Ao Chen

    University of Science and Technology of China

    H-index: 55
    Igor Lesanovsky

    Igor Lesanovsky

    Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen


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