Louis Brus

Louis Brus

Columbia University in the City of New York

H-index: 120

North America-United States

About Louis Brus

Louis Brus, With an exceptional h-index of 120 and a recent h-index of 59 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Columbia University in the City of New York, specializes in the field of physical chemistry, nanoscience.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Non-local dielectric effects in nanoscience

Química com Pinta!

Nanocrystal quantum dots: from discovery to modern development

The Rise of Computation

Louis Brus Information


Columbia University in the City of New York


Professor of Chemistry



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Columbia University in the City of New York

Louis Brus Skills & Research Interests

physical chemistry


Top articles of Louis Brus

Non-local dielectric effects in nanoscience


Archana Raja,Louis E Brus


The Journal of Chemical Physics

Published Date


The physical properties of charges and excitations in nanoscale materials are influenced both by the dielectric properties of the material itself and the surrounding environment. This non-local dielectric effect was first discussed in the context of molecules in solvents over a century ago. In this perspective, we discuss non-local dielectric effects in zero-dimensional, one-dimensional, and two-dimensional nanoscale systems.

Química com Pinta!


Louis E Brus,Alexei I Ekimov



Published Date


As descobertas associadas a esta distinção têm possibilitado o desenvolvimento de tecnologias que recorrem a uma classe especial de materiais semicondutores, os designados pontos quânticos (do inglês quantum dots). Estes nanomateriais apresentam propriedades únicas e distintas dos semicondutores macrocristalinos. Os pontos quânticos são efetivamente nanocristais que mostram propriedades dependentes do tamanho de partícula, no sentido em que a estrutura eletrónica do semicondutor é alterada devido ao confinamento tridimensional dos transportadores de carga (eletrão e lacuna), dadas as dimensões nanométricas da partícula. O parâmetro de escala abaixo do qual estas alterações são manifestadas é o raio do excitão de Bohr do semicondutor. Estas propriedades observam-se experimentalmente, por exemplo, no registo de espetros óticos de coloides contendo pontos quânticos, que mostram um desvio do valor do hiato energético para valores de maior energia, com a diminuição do tamanho médio de partícula. O cientista A. Ekimov e colaboradores identificaram primeiramente estes efeitos através do estudo do semicondutor CuCl, na forma de cristais microscópicos (nanocristais) dispersos numa matriz vítrea [1, 2]. A interpretação dos espetros óticos que evidenciam estes efeitos de dimensão tem em conta a natureza quântica da matéria. O formalismo teórico para a interpretação de efeitos quânticos de dimensão foi apresentado por L. Brus no decurso da investigação realizada numa série de coloides de nanocristais de semicondutores II/VI, como por exemplo pontos quânticos de CdS [3, 4]. O trabalho seminal …

Nanocrystal quantum dots: from discovery to modern development


Alexander L Efros,Louis E Brus


ACS nano

Published Date


This review traces nanocrystal quantum dot (QD) research from the early discoveries to the present day and into the future. We describe the extensive body of theoretical and experimental knowledge that comprises the modern science of QDs. Indeed, the spatial confinement of electrons, holes, and excitons in nanocrystals, coupled with the ability of modern chemical synthesis to make complex designed structures, is today enabling multiple applications of QD size-tunable electronic and optical properties.

The Rise of Computation


Louis Brus

Published Date


We wish Teri Odom every success in assuming the chief editorship of Nano Letters. For the past two decades, the journal has prospered under Paul Alivisatos with an inclusive and interdisciplinary approach. The science of nano remains vigorous. For example, the heightened importance of electron correlation in low dimensional structures is now recognized. 1 Few layer graphenes have proven to be an amazingly rich source of novel physics, and new types of semiconductor devices have been invented using layered metal dichalcogenides. 2− 4 Plasmonic metal nanoparticles were discovered to be photocatalysts as well as SERS (surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy) enhancers. 5 Raman imaging of chemical processes in live cells is now routine. 6 Improved synthesis has created core/shell colloidal quantum dots with nearly ideal properties. 7 Lead halide perovskites are recognized as a new class of …

See List of Professors in Louis Brus University(Columbia University in the City of New York)

Louis Brus FAQs

What is Louis Brus's h-index at Columbia University in the City of New York?

The h-index of Louis Brus has been 59 since 2020 and 120 in total.

What are Louis Brus's top articles?

The articles with the titles of

Non-local dielectric effects in nanoscience

Química com Pinta!

Nanocrystal quantum dots: from discovery to modern development

The Rise of Computation

are the top articles of Louis Brus at Columbia University in the City of New York.

What are Louis Brus's research interests?

The research interests of Louis Brus are: physical chemistry, nanoscience

What is Louis Brus's total number of citations?

Louis Brus has 86,733 citations in total.


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