Valentin Sinitsyn

Valentin Sinitsyn

Moscow State University

H-index: 26


About Valentin Sinitsyn

Valentin Sinitsyn, With an exceptional h-index of 26 and a recent h-index of 24 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Moscow State University, specializes in the field of Medicine, Radiology, Cardiology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Improving aortic aneurysm detection with artificial intelligence based on chest computed tomography data

Multidisciplinary approach in the differential diagnosis of left ventricular hypertrophy: a case report

CT-based screening of sarcopenia and its role in cachexia syndrome in pancreatic cancer

Radiomics enhances the prognostic role of magnetic resonance imaging in cardiac amyloidosis

Frequency of various cardiac complications in children with repaired tetralogy of Fallot identified by computer tomography

Analysis of the diagnostic and economic impact of the combined artificial intelligence algorithm for analysis of 10 pathological findings on chest computed tomography

The role of dual-energy computed tomography in the diagnosis of gout and other crystalline arthropathies: A review

Genetic landscape in Russian patients with familial left ventricular noncompaction

Valentin Sinitsyn Information


Moscow State University


Professor of Radiology



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Moscow State University

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Top articles of Valentin Sinitsyn

Improving aortic aneurysm detection with artificial intelligence based on chest computed tomography data


Alexander V Solovev,Yuriy A Vasilev,Valentin E Sinitsyn,Alexey V Petraikin,Anton V Vladzymyrskyy,Igor M Shulkin,Daria E Sharova,Dmitry S Semenov


Digital Diagnostics

Published Date


BACKGROUND: Aortic aneurysms are known as “silent killers” because this potentially fatal condition can be asymptomatic. The annual incidence of thoracic aortic aneurysms and ruptures is approximately 10 and 1.6 per 100,000 individuals, respectively. The mortality rate for ruptured aneurysms ranges from 94% to 100%. Early diagnosis and treatment can be life-saving. Artificial intelligence technologies can significantly improve diagnostic accuracy and save the lives of patients with thoracic aortic aneurysms.AIM: This study aimed to assess the efficacy of artificial intelligence technologies for detecting thoracic aortic aneurysms on chest computed tomography scans, as well as the possibility of using artificial intelligence as a clinical decision support system for radiologists during the primary interpretation of radiological images.MATERIALS AND METHODS: The results of using artificial intelligence technologies for detecting thoracic aortic aneurysms on non-contrast chest computed tomography scans were evaluated. A sample of 84,405 patients> 18 years old was generated, with 86 cases of suspected thoracic aortic aneurysms based on artificial intelligence data selected and retrospectively assessed by radiologists and vascular surgeons. To assess the age distribution of the aortic diameter, an additional sample of 968 cases was randomly selected from the total number.RESULTS: In 44 cases, aneurysms were initially identified by radiologists, whereas in 31 cases, aneurysms were not detected initially; however, artificial intelligence aided in their detection. Six studies were excluded, and five studies had false-positive results. Artificial …

Multidisciplinary approach in the differential diagnosis of left ventricular hypertrophy: a case report


MM Kudryavtseva,EV Ryzhkova,OV Kulikova,EA Mershina,VE Sinitsyn,OM Drapkina,RP Myasnikov


Cardiovascular Therapy and Prevention

Published Date


Left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy implies structural cardiac changes and, as a consequence, an increase in myocardial mass. Currently, there are many causes of this condition as follows: hypertension, aortic stenosis, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, exercise, storage diseases (AL, ATTR amyloidosis, Danon disease, Anderson-Fabry disease, etc.), metabolic disorders. Despite the currently existing diagnostic algorithms for LV hypertrophy, establishing a correct diagnosis can take a long time, and controversial research results can lead to false conclusions. This article presents a case report of a patient with LV hypertrophy, an atypical clinical performance and ambiguous paraclinical data, which led to certain diagnostic difficulties.

CT-based screening of sarcopenia and its role in cachexia syndrome in pancreatic cancer


Ekaterina Khristenko,Valentin Sinitsyn,Tatiana Rieden,Parker Girod,Hans-Ulrich Kauczor,Philipp Mayer,Miriam Klauss,Vladimir Lyadov


Plos one

Published Date


Since computed tomography (CT) is a part of standard diagnostic protocol in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC), we have evaluated the value of CT for sarcopenia screening in patients with PDAC, intending to expand the diagnostic value of tomographic studies. In our study, we included 177 patients with available CT images. Two groups were formed: Group 1 consisted of 117 patients with PDAC in various locations and stages and Group 2, or the control group, consisted of 60 "nominally healthy" patients with other somatic non-oncological diseases. The body mass index (BMI) was defined as a ratio of patient’s weight to the square of their height (kg/m2). CT-based body composition analysis was performed using commercially available software with evaluation of sarcopenia using skeletal muscle index (SMI, cm2/m2). Based on the SMI values, sarcopenia was found in 67.5% of patients (79 out of 117) in the first patient group. It was found more frequently in males (42 out of 56; 75%) than in females (37 out of 61; 60.6%). Additionally, we observed a decrease in muscle mass (hidden sarcopenia) in 79.7% in patients with a normal BMI. Even in overweight patients, sarcopenia was found in 50% (sarcopenic obesity). In patients with reduced BMI sarcopenia was found in all cases (100%). Statistically significant difference of SMI between two groups was revealed for both sexes (p = 0,0001), with no significant difference between groups in BMI. BMI is an inaccurate value for the assessment of body composition as it does not reflect in the details the human body structure. As SMI may correlate with the prognosis, decreased muscle mass …

Radiomics enhances the prognostic role of magnetic resonance imaging in cardiac amyloidosis


Valentin Sinitsyn


European Radiology

Published Date


For decades, cardiac amyloidois (CA) had been considered a rare and poorly diagnosed disease. However, recent developments in cardiac imaging have resulted in substantially better detection of CA. Physicians have come to understanding that in many cases CA had a clinical course of a hidden pathology or was misdiagnosed [1]. Basically, there are two major forms of CA: monoclonal immunoglobulin light-chain amyloidosis (AL) and transthyretin amyloidosis (ATTR). The first type is more common; it may develop in association with multiple myeloma, B cell lymphoma, and Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia; and it is often combined with the renal insufficiency. ATTR CA could be familial (genetic) disorder, or a sporadic disease, and it is usually seen in elderly patients in contrary to AL. CA is regarded as a most common form of restrictive cardiomyopathy manifesting with diastolic dysfunction of a non-dilated left …

Frequency of various cardiac complications in children with repaired tetralogy of Fallot identified by computer tomography


Azhar M Kabdullina,Valentin E Sinitsyn,Raushan I Rakhimzhanova,Tairkhan B Dautov,Aigul B Saduakassova,Baurzhan B Kaliyev,Lyazzat A Bastarbekova,Zhanar A Moldakhanova


Digital Diagnostics

Published Date


АННОТАЦИЯ Обоснование. Частота возникновения тетрады Фалло составляет примерно 0, 5/1000 живорождённых, что соответствует 7–10% всех случаев врождённых пороков сердца и является второй по частоте формой сложных врождённых пороков сердца. Достижения в области диагностики, хирургического и послеоперационного лечения тетрады Фалло привели к тому, что всё большее число пациентов этой категории достигает зрелого возраста, при этом наблюдается резкое увеличение выживаемости (почти до 90%) к 30 годам, что требует длительного мониторинга определённых анатомических параметров для своевременного выявления осложнений. Данное исследование направлено на изучение частоты осложнений, выявленных с помощью компьютерной томографии, после радикальной коррекции тетрады Фалло у пациентов детского возраста.Цель―выявить с помощью компьютерной томографии маркеры наиболее часто встречающихся осложнений после коррекции тетрады Фалло у пациентов детского возраста. Материалы и методы. Проведён ретроспективный анализ данных 613 пациентов с тетрадой Фалло за период с октября 2011 по июнь 2020 года. В исследование были включены 116 пациентов, из них 69 мужского и 47 женского пола, у которых после коррекции тетрады Фалло возникли осложнения, выявленные с помощью компьютерной томографии. На момент операции средний возраст пациентов составлял от 10 до 36 (в среднем 12) месяцев, средняя масса тела 21 кг, средний рост 105, 4 см, средняя площадь …

Analysis of the diagnostic and economic impact of the combined artificial intelligence algorithm for analysis of 10 pathological findings on chest computed tomography


Valeria Yu Chernina,Mikhail G Belyaev,Anton Yu Silin,Ivan O Avetisov,Ilya A Pyatnitskiy,Ekaterina A Petrash,Maria V Basova,Valentin E Sinitsyn,Vitaly V Omelyanovskiy,Victor A Gombolevskiy


Digital Diagnostics

Published Date


АННОТАЦИЯ Обоснование. Технологии искусственного интеллекта призваны помогать в решении проблемы пропуска находок при лучевых исследованиях. Важным вопросом является оценка экономической пользы от внедрения технологий искусственного интеллекта. Цель―оценить частоту выявления патологических находок и экономический потенциал применения комплексного искусственного интеллекта для компьютерной томографии органов грудной клетки, валидированного экспертами, по сравнению с рентгенологами без доступа к технологиям в условиях частного медицинского центра. Материалы и методы. Проведено обсервационное одноцентровое ретроспективное исследование. В исследование включались компьютерные томограммы органов грудной клетки без внутривенного контрастирования, выполненные в ООО «Клинический госпиталь на Яузе»(Москва) в период с 01.06. 2022 по 31.07. 2022. Компьютерные томограммы обработаны комплексным алгоритмом искусственного интеллекта для десяти патологий: инфильтративные изменения в лёгких, характерные для вирусной пневмонии (COVID-19 в условиях пандемии); лёгочные узлы; свободная жидкость в плевральных полостях; эмфизема лёгких; увеличение диаметра грудной аорты; увеличение диаметра ствола лёгочной артерии; коронарный кальциноз; оценка толщины надпочечников; оценка высоты и плотности тел позвонков. Два эксперта анализировали компьютерные томограммы и сравнивали результаты с анализом искусственного интеллекта. Для всех находок …

The role of dual-energy computed tomography in the diagnosis of gout and other crystalline arthropathies: A review


Maria V Onoyko,Elena A Mershina,Olga A Georginova,Maria L Plotnikova,Alexandra V Panyukova,Valentin E Sinitsin


Digital Diagnostics

This article discusses the importance of dual-energy computed tomography (DECT) in the diagnosis of gout, the principles of DECT, the accuracy of the methodology, the types of artifacts are analyzed. The possible dependence of the presence of deposits of sodium monourate (MUN) on other clinical data, the role of DECT in the differential diagnosis of other crystalline arthropathies is considered. The method of dual-energy computed tomography has a number of advantages: non-invasiveness, speed of execution, multiple reduction in the risk of iatrogenic complications compared with diagnostic arthrocentesis, which is the "gold standard" in the diagnosis of gout. Detection of gout, monitoring the efficiency of treatment, the possibility of differential diagnosis all these tasks can be realized with the help of DECT.

Genetic landscape in Russian patients with familial left ventricular noncompaction


Alexey N Meshkov,Roman P Myasnikov,Anna V Kiseleva,Olga V Kulikova,Evgeniia A Sotnikova,Maria M Kudryavtseva,Anastasia A Zharikova,Sergey N Koretskiy,Elena A Mershina,Vasily E Ramensky,Marija Zaicenoka,Yuri V Vyatkin,Maria S Kharlap,Tatiana G Nikityuk,Valentin E Sinitsyn,Mikhail G Divashuk,Vladimir A Kutsenko,Elena N Basargina,Vladimir I Barskiy,Nataliya A Sdvigova,Olga P Skirko,Irina A Efimova,Maria S Pokrovskaya,Oxana M Drapkina


Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine

Published Date


Left ventricular noncompaction (LVNC) cardiomyopathy is a disorder that can be complicated by heart failure, arrhythmias, thromboembolism, and sudden cardiac death. The aim of this study is to clarify the genetic landscape of LVNC in a large cohort of well-phenotyped Russian patients with LVNC, including 48 families (n=214). The genetic testing included next generation sequencing and genetic classification according to ACMG guidelines and allowed to identify 55 alleles of 54 pathogenic and likely pathogenic variants in 24 genes, with the largest number in the MYH7 and TTN genes. A significant proportion of variants —8 of 54 (14.8%)—have not been described earlier in other populations and may be specific to LVNC patients in Russia. In LVNC patients, the presence of each subsequent variant is associated with increased odds of having more severe LVNC subtypes than isolated LVNC with preserved EF. The corresponding odds ratio is 2.77 (1.37–7.37; p <0.001) per variant after adjustment for sex, age, and family. Overall, the genetic analysis of LVNC patients, accompanied by cardiomyopathy-related family history analysis, resulted in a high diagnostic yield of 89.6%. These results suggest that genetic screening should be applied to the diagnosis and prognosis of LVNC patients.

Computed tomography perfusion or fractional flow reserve–computed tomography to assess the significance of stenosis: Literature review


E Pershina,Ph Kopylov,P Sh Chomahije,MK Gappoeva,V Sinitsyn

Published Date


Detection of myocardial ischemia based on detection and grading of myocardial perfusion is a cornerstone of coronary artery disease (CAD) diagnosis. Coronary CT angiography (CCTA) is a recognized imaging test for exclusion of anatomically significant coronary stenosis in patients with low or moderate probability of CAD, but gives no information on its physiological significance. The two major approaches to evaluate the presence of induced myocardial ischemia using CT, static or dynamic perfusion CT (CTP) or non-invasive fractional flow reserve analysis (FFRCT), have been validated in multiple single- and multi-center studies with comparable results of high sensitivity, specificity and accuracy. Several studies with head-to-head comparison of CTP and FFRCT using invasive FFR measurement as a reference standard showed a slight superiority of CTP, especially in groups of patients with the borderline …

Estimation of the Thickness Profile of a Human Skull Phantom by Ultrasound Methods Using a Two-Dimensional Array


SA Asfandiyarov,PB Rosnitskiy,SA Tsysar,PV Yuldashev,VA Khokhlova,VE Sinitsyn,EA Mershina,OA Sapozhnikov


Acoustical Physics

Published Date


The paper presents the results of evaluating the thickness profile of a skull phantom using a two-dimensional ultrasound array consisting of piezoelectric elements with a center frequency of 2.1 MHz. Two pulse-echo ultrasound methods were used in the experiment: the A-mode elementwise measurements and scanning with a focused probing beam created by the entire array using delay-and-sum (DAS) beamforming. The obtained thickness profiles are compared with the reference thickness profile obtained using X-ray computed tomography. It was shown that ultrasound DAS beamforming with a focused probing beam makes it technically possible to estimate the thickness profile of the skull phantom.

“Rice bodies” symptoms on magnetic resonance imaging of the shoulder in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis


Sofia F Ageeva,Daria A Filatova,Elena A Mershina,Valentin E Sinitsyn,Valentin Е Sinitsyn


Digital Diagnostics

Published Date


The “rice bodies” symptom on magnetic resonance imaging of the shoulder joint in patients with rheumatoid arthritis is a rare but specific finding characterized by the presence of multiple small, round, rice-grain-like structures in the synovial fluid of the joint, synovial pouches, or sheaths. The etiology of the “rice bodies” is still not fully understood. They are suggested as the result of microinfarcts of the synovial membrane in patients with rheumatoid arthritis or other inflammatory joint diseases. Clinically, the “rice bodies” symptom may cause pain, but not in every case. Among radiological diagnostic methods, magnetic resonance imaging is the leading method for the detection of rice bodies. This article presents a clinical case of “rice bodies” symptoms diagnosed by magnetic resonance imaging in a patient with a long history of rheumatoid arthritis who presented with a painless enlargement in the left shoulder. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging of the left shoulder could detect “rice bodies” as a manifestation of an underlying disease and determine further treatment techniques.

Multiwavelength Fluorescence and Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy for an In Situ Analysis of Kidney Stones


Polina S Tseregorodtseva,Gleb S Budylin,Nadezhda V Zlobina,Zare A Gevorkyan,Daria A Filatova,Daria A Tsigura,Artashes G Armaganov,Andrey A Strigunov,Olga Y Nesterova,David M Kamalov,Elizaveta V Afanasyevskaya,Elena A Mershina,Nikolay I Sorokin,Valentin E Sinitsyn,Armais A Kamalov,Evgeny A Shirshin



Published Date


This study explores the use of diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) and multiwavelength fluorescence spectroscopy for real-time kidney stone identification during laser lithotripsy. Traditional methods are not suitable for in situ analysis, so the research focuses on optical techniques that can be integrated with lithotripsy fibers. Experiments were conducted ex vivo, using DRS and multiwavelength fluorescence spectroscopy (emission–excitation matrix (EEM)) to distinguish between 48 urinary stones of three types: urate, oxalate and hydroxyapatite, with infrared spectroscopy as a reference. A classification model was developed based on EEM and DRS data. Initial classification relying solely on EEM data achieved an f1-score of 87%, which increased to 92% when DRS data were included. The findings suggest that optical spectroscopy can effectively determine stone composition during laser lithotripsy, potentially enhancing surgical outcomes via the real-time automatic optimization of laser radiation parameters.

Atrial septal defect. Clinical guidelines 2023


LA Bokeria,AI Kim,MM Zelenikin,AA Avramenko,BG Alekyan,VA Belov,VN Bogdanov,MV Boriskov,NA Borisova,AG Brodsky,SS Volkov,R Yu Gavrilov,OI Garmash,IV Gladyshev,TF Golubova,KV Gorbatikov,Yu N Gorbatykh,SV Gorbachevsky,AM Grigoryan,LV Eliseeva,AV Yevtushenko,OB Irtyuga,IA Kovalev,MI Komissarov,EV Krivoshchekov,SM Krupyanko,AA Kupryashov,AV Kurganova,EG Levchenko,AA Lezhnev,VN Lyubchik,TV Martynyuk,RR Movsesyan,KA Nalimov,AB Nikiforov,D Yu Petrushenko,MV Plotnikov,A Yu Podoksenov,MG Pursanov,AA Svobodov,EG Semenyak,YS Sinelnikov,VP Tataurova,PV Teplov,II Trunina,AE Chernogrivov,RM Shekhmametyev,EV Shlyakhto,AA Shmalts,AN Yakovleva,SA Alexandrova,I Yu Baryshnikova,TA Bergen,IE Rychina,VE Sinitsyn,LA Yurpolskaya


Russian Journal of Cardiology

Published Date


Task Force members declared no financial support/conflicts of interest. If conflicts of interest were reported, the member (s) of the working group was (were) excluded from the discussion of the sections related to the area of conflict of interest.

COVID-19-related cardiac lesion: The questions of pathogenesis and diagnostics


Daria A Filatova,Elena A Mershina,Valentin E Sinitsyn

Published Date


Coronavirus infection is still a topic of interest in the medical community today. Among the heterogeneous clinical manifestations of this disease, lesions of cardiac structures often occur. They are mainly inflammatory in nature and can be acute or delayed. Aside from myocarditis, coronavirus infection can induce cardiac injuries, including acute coronary syndrome, thromboembolic events, heart failure, and heart rhythm disturbances. It is well known that the prognosis for patients with cardiac lesions significantly worsens; timely diagnosis and treatment initiation play an important role in preventing severe complications.

Abernethy 畸形: 临床病例


Alexandra V Panyukova,Valentin E Sinitsyn,Elena A Mershina,Natalya A Rucheva


Digital Diagnostics

Published Date


Abernethy malformation: A case report - PDF (Chinese) - Panyukova - Digital Diagnostics English Kazakh Português (Brasil) Русский 简体中文 Eco-vector Digital Diagnostics Page Header Logo ISSN 2712-8490 (Print) ISSN 2712-8962 (Online) Menu Archives Home About the Journal Editorial Team Editorial Policies Author Guidelines About the Journal Issues Search Current Articles in press Retracted articles Archives Contact Subscriptions All Journals User Username Password Remember me Forgot password? Register Notifications View Subscribe Article Tools Abstract Print this article Indexing metadata Cite item Email this article (Login required) Email the author (Login required) Metrics Search Search Search Scope Browse By Issue By Author By Title By Sections Other Journals Categories Online First Information For Readers For Authors For Librarians × User …

RBM20 nucleotide sequence variant in a family with a dilated phenotype of left ventricular non-compaction


OV Kulikova,RP Myasnikov,AN Meshkov,EA Mershina,AV Kiseleva,EA Sotnikova,MM Kudryavtseva,MS Kharlap,MG Divashuk,AA Zharikova,RK Angarsky,SN Koretsky,DА Filatova,VE Sinitsyn,OM Drapkina


Cardiovascular Therapy and Prevention

Published Date


Aim. To demonstrate two generations of a family with a progressive course of left ventricular non-compaction (LVNC) and the presence of a RBM20 gene variant.Material and methods. Based on the multicenter registry of patients with LVNC, a family with LVNC with a dilated phenotype was selected at the National Medical Research Center for Therapy and Preventive Medicine. Next generation sequencing was performed on a Nextseq 550 systen (Illumina, USA). For clinical interpretation, nucleotide sequence variants in the genes associated with LVNC development were selected according to the available literature data, with frequencies< 0, 5% in the gnomAD database. The identified variants were verified using Sanger sequencing on an Applied Biosystem 3500 Genetic Analyzer (Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA).Results. The article presents the results of clinical, paraclinical and molecular genetic studies of two …

A diagnostic and economic evaluation of the complex artificial intelligence algorithm aimed to detect 10 pathologies on the chest CT images


V Yu Chernina,MG Belyaev,A Yu Silin,IO Avetisov,IA Pyatnitskiy,EA Petrash,MV Basova,VE Sinitsyn,VV Omelyanovsky,VA Gombolevskiy



Published Date


Background: Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies can help solve the significant problem of missed findings in radiology studies. An important issue is assessing the economic benefits of implementing AI.Aim: to evaluate the frequency of missed pathologies detection and the economic potential of AI technology for chest CT, validated by expert radiologists, compared with radiologists without access to AI in a private medical center.Methods: An observational, single-center retrospective study was conducted. The study included chest CTs without IV contrast performed from 01.06.2022 to 31.07.2022 in “Yauza Hospital” LLC, Moscow. The CTs were processed using a complex AI algorithm for ten pathologies: pulmonary infiltrates, typical for viral pneumonia (COVID-19 in pandemic conditions); lung nodules; pleural effusion; pulmonary emphysema; thoracic aortic dilatation; pulmonary trunk dilatation; coronary artery calcification; adrenal hyperplasia; osteoporosis (vertebral body height and density changes). Two experts analyzed CTs and compared results with AI. Further routing was determined according to clinical guidelines for all findings initially detected and missed by radiologists. The lost potential revenue (LPR) was calculated for each patient according to the hospital price list.Results: From the final 160 CTs, the AI identified 90 studies (56%) with pathologies, of which 81 studies (51%) were missing at least one pathology in the report. The “second-stage” LPR for all pathologies from 81 patients was RUB 2,847,760 ($ 37,251 or CNY 256,218). LPR only for those pathologies missed by radiologists but detected by AI was RUB 2,065,360 ($ 27 …



Azhar M Kabdullina,Valentin E Sinitsyn,Raushan I Rakhimzhanova,Tairkhan B Dautov,Aigul B Saduakassova,Baurzhan B Kaliyev,Lyazzat A Bastarbekova,Zhanar A Moldakhanova


Digital Diagnostics

Published Date


АННОТАЦИЯ Обоснование. Частота возникновения тетрады Фалло составляет примерно 0, 5/1000 живорождённых, что соответствует 7–10% всех случаев врождённых пороков сердца и является второй по частоте формой сложных врождённых пороков сердца. Достижения в области диагностики, хирургического и послеоперационного лечения тетрады Фалло привели к тому, что всё большее число пациентов этой категории достигает зрелого возраста, при этом наблюдается резкое увеличение выживаемости (почти до 90%) к 30 годам, что требует длительного мониторинга определённых анатомических параметров для своевременного выявления осложнений. Данное исследование направлено на изучение частоты осложнений, выявленных с помощью компьютерной томографии, после радикальной коррекции тетрады Фалло у пациентов детского возраста.Цель―выявить с помощью компьютерной томографии маркеры наиболее часто встречающихся осложнений после коррекции тетрады Фалло у пациентов детского возраста. Материалы и методы. Проведён ретроспективный анализ данных 613 пациентов с тетрадой Фалло за период с октября 2011 по июнь 2020 года. В исследование были включены 116 пациентов, из них 69 мужского и 47 женского пола, у которых после коррекции тетрады Фалло возникли осложнения, выявленные с помощью компьютерной томографии. На момент операции средний возраст пациентов составлял от 10 до 36 (в среднем 12) месяцев, средняя масса тела 21 кг, средний рост 105, 4 см, средняя площадь …

双能量计算机断层扫描在诊断痛风和其他结晶性关节病中的作用: 文献综述


Maria V Onoyko,Elena A Mershina,Olga A Georginova,Maria L Plotnikova,Alexandra V Panyukova,Valentin E Sinitsyn

Published Date


The role of dual-energy computed tomography in the diagnosis of gout and other crystalline arthropathies: A review - PDF (Chinese) - Onoyko - Digital Diagnostics English Kazakh Português (Brasil) Русский 简体中文 Eco-vector Digital Diagnostics Page Header Logo ISSN 2712-8490 (Print) ISSN 2712-8962 (Online) Menu Archives Home About the Journal Editorial Team Editorial Policies Author Guidelines About the Journal Issues Search Current Articles in press Retracted articles Archives Contact Subscriptions All Journals User Username Password Remember me Forgot password? Register Notifications View Subscribe Article Tools Abstract Print this article Indexing metadata Cite item Email this article (Login required) Email the author (Login required) Metrics Search Search Search Scope Browse By Issue By Author By Title By Sections Other Journals Categories Online First …

Left lateral decubitus computed tomography before catheter ablation in patients with atrial fibrillation


Bauyrzhan Bakhytovich Kaliyev,Raushan Ibzhanovna Rakhimzhanova,Valentin Evgenyevich Sinitsyn,Tairkhan Bekpolatovich Dautov,Ayan Suleimenovich Abdrakhmanov



Published Date


Aim The study aimed to determine the efficacy of cardiac computed tomography angiography (CCTA) for diagnosing left atrial appendage (LAA) thrombus before catheter ablation with the patient in the left lateral decubitus position and, also, to evaluate the risk factors for thrombus formation.Material and methods This retrospective, cohort study included 101 patients with atrial fibrillation. All patients underwent transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) and left lateral decubitus CCTA. Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) was performed to confirm or exclude LAA thrombus. Patients with allergic reactions to iodinated contrast media, increased serum creatinine, hyperthyroidism, pregnancy, and age<18 years were excluded. The CHA2‑DS2‑VASc and HAS-BLED scores were calculated for each patient.Results All LAA thrombi detected on CCTA were confirmed by TEE. Higher CHA2‑DS2‑VASc, HAS-BLED scores …

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What is Valentin Sinitsyn's h-index at Moscow State University?

The h-index of Valentin Sinitsyn has been 24 since 2020 and 26 in total.

What are Valentin Sinitsyn's top articles?

The articles with the titles of

Improving aortic aneurysm detection with artificial intelligence based on chest computed tomography data

Multidisciplinary approach in the differential diagnosis of left ventricular hypertrophy: a case report

CT-based screening of sarcopenia and its role in cachexia syndrome in pancreatic cancer

Radiomics enhances the prognostic role of magnetic resonance imaging in cardiac amyloidosis

Frequency of various cardiac complications in children with repaired tetralogy of Fallot identified by computer tomography

Analysis of the diagnostic and economic impact of the combined artificial intelligence algorithm for analysis of 10 pathological findings on chest computed tomography

The role of dual-energy computed tomography in the diagnosis of gout and other crystalline arthropathies: A review

Genetic landscape in Russian patients with familial left ventricular noncompaction


are the top articles of Valentin Sinitsyn at Moscow State University.

What are Valentin Sinitsyn's research interests?

The research interests of Valentin Sinitsyn are: Medicine, Radiology, Cardiology

What is Valentin Sinitsyn's total number of citations?

Valentin Sinitsyn has 4,985 citations in total.


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