Victor V. Albert

Victor V. Albert

University of Maryland, Baltimore

H-index: 29

North America-United States

About Victor V. Albert

Victor V. Albert, With an exceptional h-index of 29 and a recent h-index of 24 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Maryland, Baltimore, specializes in the field of Theoretical physics.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Continuous-variable quantum state designs: theory and applications

Precision Bounds on Continuous-Variable State Tomography Using Classical Shadows

Topology and entanglement of molecular phase space

Bounds on Autonomous Quantum Error Correction

Non-invertible symmetry-protected topological order in a group-based cluster state

Qubit-Oscillator Concatenated Codes: Decoding Formalism and Code Comparison

Time-energy uncertainty relation for noisy quantum metrology

Quantum spherical codes

Victor V. Albert Information


University of Maryland, Baltimore





Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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University Profile Page

University of Maryland, Baltimore

Victor V. Albert Skills & Research Interests

Theoretical physics

Top articles of Victor V. Albert

Continuous-variable quantum state designs: theory and applications


Joseph T Iosue,Kunal Sharma,Michael J Gullans,Victor V Albert


Physical Review X

Published Date


We generalize the notion of quantum state designs to infinite-dimensional spaces. We first prove that, under the definition of continuous-variable (CV) state t-designs from [Blume-Kohout et al., Commun. Math. Phys. 326, 755 (2014)], no state designs exist for t≥ 2. Similarly, we prove that no CV unitary t-designs exist for t≥ 2. We propose an alternative definition for CV state designs, which we call rigged t-designs, and provide explicit constructions for t= 2. As an application of rigged designs, we develop a design-based shadow-tomography protocol for CV states. Using energy-constrained versions of rigged designs, we define an average fidelity for CV quantum channels and relate this fidelity to the CV entanglement fidelity. As an additional result of independent interest, we establish a connection between torus 2-designs and complete sets of mutually unbiased bases.

Precision Bounds on Continuous-Variable State Tomography Using Classical Shadows


Srilekha Gandhari,Victor V Albert,Thomas Gerrits,Jacob M Taylor,Michael J Gullans


PRX Quantum

Published Date


Shadow tomography is a framework for constructing succinct descriptions of quantum states using randomized measurement bases, called “classical shadows,” with powerful methods to bound the estimators used. We recast existing experimental protocols for continuous-variable quantum state tomography in the classical-shadow framework, obtaining rigorous bounds on the number of independent measurements needed for estimating density matrices from these protocols. We analyze the efficiency of homodyne, heterodyne, photon-number-resolving, and photon-parity protocols. To reach a desired precision on the classical shadow of an N-photon density matrix with high probability, we show that homodyne detection requires order O (N 4+ 1/3) measurements in the worst case, whereas photon-number-resolving and photon-parity detection require O (N 4) measurements in the worst case (both up to logarithmic …

Topology and entanglement of molecular phase space


Victor V Albert,Eric Kubischta,Mikhail Lemeshko,Lee R Liu


arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.04572

Published Date


We formulate a quantum phase space for molecular rotational and nuclear-spin states. Taking in molecular geometry and nuclear-spin data, our framework yields admissible position and momentum states, inter-convertible via a generalized Fourier transform. We classify molecules into three types -- asymmetric, rotationally symmetric, and perrotationally symmetric -- with the last type having no macroscopic analogue due to nuclear-spin statistics constraints. We identify two features in perrotationally symmetric state spaces that are Hamiltonian-independent and induced solely by symmetry and spin statistics. First, many molecular species are intrinsically rotation-spin entangled in a way that cannot be broken without transitioning to another species or breaking symmetry. Second, each molecular position state houses an internal pseudo-spin or "fiber" degree of freedom, and the fiber's Berry phase or matrix after adiabatic changes in position yields naturally robust operations, akin to braiding anyonic quasiparticles or realizing fault-tolerant quantum gates. We outline scenarios where these features can be experimentally probed.

Bounds on Autonomous Quantum Error Correction


Oles Shtanko,Yu-Jie Liu,Simon Lieu,Alexey V Gorshkov,Victor V Albert


arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.16233

Published Date


Autonomous quantum memories are a way to passively protect quantum information using engineered dissipation that creates an "always-on'' decoder. We analyze Markovian autonomous decoders that can be implemented with a wide range of qubit and bosonic error-correcting codes, and derive several upper bounds and a lower bound on the logical error rate in terms of correction and noise rates. For many-body quantum codes, we show that, to achieve error suppression comparable to active error correction, autonomous decoders generally require correction rates that grow with code size. For codes with a threshold, we show that it is possible to achieve faster-than-polynomial decay of the logical error rate with code size by using superlogarithmic scaling of the correction rate. We illustrate our results with several examples. One example is an exactly solvable global dissipative toric code model that can achieve an effective logical error rate that decreases exponentially with the linear lattice size, provided that the recovery rate grows proportionally with the linear lattice size.

Non-invertible symmetry-protected topological order in a group-based cluster state


Christopher Fechisin,Nathanan Tantivasadakarn,Victor V Albert


arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.09272

Published Date


Despite growing interest in beyond-group symmetries in quantum condensed matter systems, there are relatively few microscopic lattice models explicitly realizing these symmetries, and many phenomena have yet to be studied at the microscopic level. We introduce a one-dimensional stabilizer Hamiltonian composed of group-based Pauli operators whose ground state is a $G\times \text{Rep}(G)$-symmetric state: the $G \textit{ cluster state}$ introduced in Brell, New Journal of Physics 17, 023029 (2015) [at]. We show that this state lies in a symmetry-protected topological (SPT) phase protected by $G\times \text{Rep}(G)$ symmetry, distinct from the symmetric product state by a duality argument. We identify several signatures of SPT order, namely protected edge modes, string order parameters, and topological response. We discuss how $G$ cluster states may be used as a universal resource for measurement-based quantum computation, explicitly working out the case where $G$ is a semidirect product of abelian groups.

Qubit-Oscillator Concatenated Codes: Decoding Formalism and Code Comparison


Yijia Xu,Yixu Wang,En-Jui Kuo,Victor V Albert


PRX Quantum

Published Date


Concatenating bosonic error-correcting codes with qubit codes can substantially boost the error-correcting power of the original qubit codes. It is not clear how to concatenate optimally, given that there are several bosonic codes and concatenation schemes to choose from, including the recently discovered Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill (GKP)–stabilizer codes [Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 080503 (2020)] that allow protection of a logical bosonic mode from fluctuations of the conjugate variables of the mode. We develop efficient maximum-likelihood decoders for and analyze the performance of three different concatenations of codes taken from the following set: qubit stabilizer codes, analog or Gaussian stabilizer codes, GKP codes, and GKP-stabilizer codes. We benchmark decoder performance against additive Gaussian white noise, corroborating our numerics with analytical calculations. We observe that the concatenation …

Time-energy uncertainty relation for noisy quantum metrology


Philippe Faist,Mischa P Woods,Victor V Albert,Joseph M Renes,Jens Eisert,John Preskill


PRX Quantum

Published Date


Detection of very weak forces and precise measurement of time are two of the many applications of quantum metrology to science and technology. To sense an unknown physical parameter, one prepares an initial state of a probe system, allows the probe to evolve as governed by a Hamiltonian H for some time t, and then measures the probe. If H is known, we can estimate t by this method; if t is known, we can estimate classical parameters on which H depends. The accuracy of a quantum sensor can be limited by either intrinsic quantum noise or by noise arising from the interactions of the probe with its environment. In this work, we introduce and study a fundamental trade-off, which relates the amount by which noise reduces the accuracy of a quantum clock to the amount of information about the energy of the clock that leaks to the environment. Specifically, we consider an idealized scenario in which a party Alice …

Quantum spherical codes


Shubham P Jain,Joseph T Iosue,Alexander Barg,Victor V Albert


arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.11593

Published Date


We introduce a framework for constructing quantum codes defined on spheres by recasting such codes as quantum analogues of the classical spherical codes. We apply this framework to bosonic coding, obtaining multimode extensions of the cat codes that can outperform previous constructions while requiring a similar type of overhead. Our polytope-based cat codes consist of sets of points with large separation that at the same time form averaging sets known as spherical designs. We also recast concatenations of CSS codes with cat codes as quantum spherical codes, revealing a new way to autonomously protect against dephasing noise.

Subsystem CSS codes, a tighter stabilizer-to-CSS mapping, and Goursat's Lemma


Michael Liaofan Liu,Nathanan Tantivasadakarn,Victor V Albert


arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.18003

Published Date


The CSS code construction is a powerful framework used to express features of a quantum code in terms of a pair of underlying classical codes. Its subsystem extension allows for similar expressions, but the general case has not been fully explored. Extending previous work of Aly et. al. [quant-ph/0610153], we determine subsystem CSS code parameters, express codewords, and develop a Steane-type decoder using only data from the two underlying classical codes. We show that any subsystem stabilizer code can be ``doubled'' to yield a subsystem CSS code with twice the number of physical, logical, and gauge qudits and up to twice the code distance. This mapping preserves locality and is tighter than the Majorana-based mapping of Bravyi, Leemhuis, and Terhal [New J. Phys. 12 083039 (2010)]. Using Goursat's Lemma, we show that every subsystem stabilizer code can be constructed from two nested subsystem CSS codes satisfying certain constraints, and we characterize subsystem stabilizer codes based on the nested codes' properties.

Stability of k-local phases of matter


Ali Lavasani,Michael Gullans,Victor Albert,Maissam Barkeshli


APS March Meeting Abstracts

Published Date


It is well known that Hamiltonians associated to topological phases of matter on Euclidean geometries are stable against local noise, meaning that local noise can not close their gap or lift their ground state degeneracy in the thermodynamic limit. In this work, we relax the assumption about the existence of an underlying Euclidean geometry and ask whether k-local Hamiltonians associated to (not necessarily geometric) qLDPC error correcting codes are robust against local noise, where locality of noise is now defined with respect to the interaction graph. We find that if there exists constants ɛ 1, ɛ 2> 0 such that the size of balls of radius r on the interaction graph is upper bounded by O (exp (r 1-ɛ 1)) and balls of radius O (log (N) 1+ ɛ 2) are locally correctable, then the associated Hamiltonian is stable against local noise. As a non-trivial example, we show that the semi-Hyperbolic surface code Hamiltonian has a finite …

Æ codes


Shubham P Jain,Eric R Hudson,Wesley C Campbell,Victor V Albert


arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.12324

Published Date


Diatomic molecular codes [{arXiv:1911.00099}] are designed to encode quantum information in the orientation of a diatomic molecule, allowing error correction from small torques and changes in angular momentum. Here, we directly study noise native to atomic and molecular platforms -- spontaneous emission, stray electromagnetic fields, and Raman scattering -- and derive simple necessary and sufficient conditions for codes to protect against such noise. We identify existing and develop new absorption-emission (\AE) codes that are more practical than molecular codes, require lower average momentum, can directly protect against photonic processes up to arbitrary order, and are applicable to a broader set of atomic and molecular systems.

Error-correction zoo


Victor Albert,Philippe Faist


APS March Meeting Abstracts

Published Date


Error correction is what ensures that the audio in your phone calls remains sharp, your hard drives do not deteriorate too quickly, and signals can be reliably transmitted to remote satellites. Over multiple decades, and with the explosion of the information age, an enormous variety of error-correction schemes have been developed. Recently, a radically new type of error correction was introduced, one that can protect the quantum information that is stored in a quantum computer or that is communicated over a quantum network. We created the Error-correction (EC) Zoo (errorcorrectionzoo. org) to categorize and to organize known classical and quantum error-correction schemes. Code entries form the primary content of the zoo. An entry can be a specific instance of a well-known code or a large family of codes, depending on community interest. The idea is to have a dedicated up-to-date webpage for each family …

Clifford operations and homological codes for rotors and oscillators


Yijia Xu,Yixu Wang,Victor V Albert


arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.07679

Published Date


We develop quantum information processing primitives for the planar rotor, the state space of a particle on a circle. By interpreting rotor wavefunctions as periodically identified wavefunctions of a harmonic oscillator, we determine the group of bosonic Gaussian operations inherited by the rotor. This -rotor Clifford group, $\text{U}(1)^{n(n+1)/2} \rtimes \text{GL}_n(\mathbb{Z})$, is represented by continuous gates generated by polynomials quadratic in angular momenta, as well as discrete momentum sign-flip and sum gates. We classify homological rotor error-correcting codes [arXiv:2303.13723] and various rotor states based on equivalence under Clifford operations. Reversing direction, we map homological rotor codes and rotor Clifford operations back into oscillators by interpreting occupation-number states as rotor states of non-negative angular momentum. This yields new multimode homological bosonic codes protecting against dephasing and changes in occupation number, along with their corresponding encoding and decoding circuits. In particular, we show how to non-destructively measure the oscillator phase using conditional occupation-number addition and post selection. We also outline several rotor and oscillator varieties of the GKP-stabilizer codes [arXiv:1903.12615].

Group coset monogamy games and an application to device-independent continuous-variable QKD


Eric Culf,Thomas Vidick,Victor V Albert


arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.03935

Published Date


We develop an extension of a recently introduced subspace coset state monogamy-of-entanglement game [Coladangelo, Liu, Liu, and Zhandry; Crypto'21] to general group coset states, which are uniform superpositions over elements of a subgroup to which has been applied a group-theoretic generalization of the quantum one-time pad. We give a general bound on the winning probability of a monogamy game constructed from subgroup coset states that applies to a wide range of finite and infinite groups. To study the infinite-group case, we use and further develop a measure-theoretic formalism that allows us to express continuous-variable measurements as operator-valued generalizations of probability measures. We apply the monogamy game bound to various physically relevant groups, yielding realizations of the game in continuous-variable modes as well as in rotational states of a polyatomic molecule. We obtain explicit strong bounds in the case of specific group-space and subgroup combinations. As an application, we provide the first proof of one sided-device independent security of a squeezed-state continuous-variable quantum key distribution protocol against general coherent attacks.

Molecular rotational state spaces for quantum information processing


Victor Albert,Shubham Jain,Eric Kubischta,Ian Teixeira


APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts

Published Date


Rotational states of symmetric and asymmetric molecules, modeled by infinite-dimensional Hilbert spaces of various quantum rotors, present new grounds for encoding and processing quantum information. Development of a physical and mathematical framework adapted for quantum applications in rotational systems is currently in its infancy. I discuss how to adapt basic quantum tools from discrete-and continuous-variable systems to symmetric molecules, developing a set of``position-state''labels for molecular orientations and a Pauli-type group of unitary operations. With an eye on quantum error correction, I discuss ongoing efforts studying the nature of noise introduced by a thermal environment in these systems.

Bosonic coding: introduction and use cases


Victor V Albert


arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.05714

Published Date


Bosonic or continuous-variable coding is a field concerned with robust quantum information processing and communication with electromagnetic signals or mechanical modes. I review bosonic quantum memories, characterizing them as either bosonic stabilizer or bosonic Fock-state codes. I then enumerate various applications of bosonic encodings, four of which circumvent no-go theorems due to the intrinsic infinite-dimensionality of bosonic systems.

Provably efficient machine learning for quantum many-body problems


Hsin-Yuan Huang,Richard Kueng,Giacomo Torlai,Victor V Albert,John Preskill



Published Date


Classical machine learning (ML) provides a potentially powerful approach to solving challenging quantum many-body problems in physics and chemistry. However, the advantages of ML over traditional methods have not been firmly established. In this work, we prove that classical ML algorithms can efficiently predict ground-state properties of gapped Hamiltonians after learning from other Hamiltonians in the same quantum phase of matter. By contrast, under a widely accepted conjecture, classical algorithms that do not learn from data cannot achieve the same guarantee. We also prove that classical ML algorithms can efficiently classify a wide range of quantum phases. Extensive numerical experiments corroborate our theoretical results in a variety of scenarios, including Rydberg atom systems, two-dimensional random Heisenberg models, symmetry-protected topological phases, and topologically ordered phases.

Provably accurate simulation of gauge theories and bosonic systems


Yu Tong,Victor V Albert,Jarrod R McClean,John Preskill,Yuan Su



Published Date


Quantum many-body systems involving bosonic modes or gauge fields have infinite-dimensional local Hilbert spaces which must be truncated to perform simulations of real-time dynamics on classical or quantum computers. To analyze the truncation error, we develop methods for bounding the rate of growth of local quantum numbers such as the occupation number of a mode at a lattice site, or the electric field at a lattice link. Our approach applies to various models of bosons interacting with spins or fermions, and also to both abelian and non-abelian gauge theories. We show that if states in these models are truncated by imposing an upper limit on each local quantum number, and if the initial state has low local quantum numbers, then an error at most can be achieved by choosing to scale polylogarithmically with , an exponential improvement over previous bounds based on energy conservation. For the Hubbard-Holstein model, we numerically compute a bound on that achieves accuracy , obtaining significantly improved estimates in various parameter regimes. We also establish a criterion for truncating the Hamiltonian with a provable guarantee on the accuracy of time evolution. Building on that result, we formulate quantum algorithms for dynamical simulation of lattice gauge theories and of models with bosonic modes; the gate complexity depends almost linearly on spacetime volume in the former case, and almost quadratically on time in the latter case. We establish a lower bound showing that there are systems involving bosons for which this quadratic scaling with time cannot be improved. By applying our result on the truncation error …

Modular commutator in gapped quantum many-body systems


Isaac H Kim,Bowen Shi,Kohtaro Kato,Victor V Albert


Physical Review B

Published Date


In Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 176402 (2022), we argued that the chiral central charge—a topologically protected quantity characterizing the edge theory of a gapped (2+ 1)-dimensional system—can be extracted from the bulk by using an order parameter called the modular commutator. In this paper, we reveal general properties of the modular commutator and strengthen its relationship with the chiral central charge. First, we identify connections between the modular commutator and conditional mutual information, time reversal, and modular flow. Second, we prove, within the framework of the entanglement bootstrap program, that two topologically ordered media connected by a gapped domain wall must have the same modular commutator in their respective bulk. Third, we numerically calculate the value of the modular commutator for a bosonic lattice Laughlin state for finite sizes and extrapolate to the infinite-volume …

Chiral central charge from a single bulk wave function


Isaac H Kim,Bowen Shi,Kohtaro Kato,Victor V Albert


Physical Review Letters

Published Date


A (2+ 1)-dimensional gapped quantum many-body system can have a topologically protected energy current at its edge. The magnitude of this current is determined entirely by the temperature and the chiral central charge, a quantity associated with the effective field theory of the edge. We derive a formula for the chiral central charge that, akin to the topological entanglement entropy, is completely determined by the many-body ground state wave function in the bulk. According to our formula, nonzero chiral central charge gives rise to a topological obstruction that prevents the ground state wave function from being real valued in any local product basis.

See List of Professors in Victor V. Albert University(University of Maryland, Baltimore)

Victor V. Albert FAQs

What is Victor V. Albert's h-index at University of Maryland, Baltimore?

The h-index of Victor V. Albert has been 24 since 2020 and 29 in total.

What are Victor V. Albert's top articles?

The articles with the titles of

Continuous-variable quantum state designs: theory and applications

Precision Bounds on Continuous-Variable State Tomography Using Classical Shadows

Topology and entanglement of molecular phase space

Bounds on Autonomous Quantum Error Correction

Non-invertible symmetry-protected topological order in a group-based cluster state

Qubit-Oscillator Concatenated Codes: Decoding Formalism and Code Comparison

Time-energy uncertainty relation for noisy quantum metrology

Quantum spherical codes


are the top articles of Victor V. Albert at University of Maryland, Baltimore.

What are Victor V. Albert's research interests?

The research interests of Victor V. Albert are: Theoretical physics

What is Victor V. Albert's total number of citations?

Victor V. Albert has 4,316 citations in total.

What are the co-authors of Victor V. Albert?

The co-authors of Victor V. Albert are michel devoret, Steven M. Girvin, Robert Schoelkopf, Liang Jiang, Alexey V. Gorshkov.


    H-index: 123
    michel devoret

    michel devoret

    Yale University

    H-index: 117
    Steven M. Girvin

    Steven M. Girvin

    Yale University

    H-index: 105
    Robert Schoelkopf

    Robert Schoelkopf

    Yale University

    H-index: 81
    Liang Jiang

    Liang Jiang

    University of Chicago

    H-index: 69
    Alexey V. Gorshkov

    Alexey V. Gorshkov

    University of Maryland, Baltimore


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