Wenzhen Duan

Wenzhen Duan

Johns Hopkins University

H-index: 51

North America-United States

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Johns Hopkins University


Professor of Psychiatry & Neuroscience



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Johns Hopkins University

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Huntington's disease


Neuroimaging Biomarkers

Top articles of Wenzhen Duan

Distinguishing microgliosis and tau deposition in the mouse brain using paramagnetic and diamagnetic susceptibility source separation


Jayvik Joshi,Minmin Yao,Aaron Kakazu,Yuxiao Ouyang,Wenzhen Duan,Manisha Aggarwal



Published Date


Tauopathies, including Alzheimer's disease (AD), are neurodegenerative disorders characterized by hyperphosphorylated tau protein aggregates in the brain. In addition to protein aggregates, microglia-mediated inflammation and iron dyshomeostasis are other pathological features observed in AD and other tauopathies. It is known that these alterations at the subcellular level occur much before the onset of macroscopic tissue atrophy or cognitive deficits. The ability to detect these microstructural changes with MRI therefore has substantive importance for improved characterization of disease pathogenesis. In this study, we demonstrate that quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) with paramagnetic and diamagnetic susceptibility source separation has the potential to distinguish neuropathological alterations in a transgenic mouse model of tauopathy. 3D multi-echo gradient echo data were acquired from fixed brains of PS19 (Tau) transgenic mice and age-matched wild-type (WT) mice (n = 5 each) at 11.7 T. The multi-echo data were fit to a 3-pool complex signal model to derive maps of paramagnetic component susceptibility (PCS) and diamagnetic component susceptibility (DCS). Group-averaged signal fraction and composite susceptibility maps showed significant region-specific differences between the WT and Tau mouse brains. Significant bilateral increases in PCS and |DCS| were observed in specific hippocampal and cortical sub-regions of the Tau mice relative to WT controls. Comparison with immunohistological staining for microglia (Iba1) and phosphorylated-tau (AT8) further indicated that the PCS and DCS differences corresponded …

Senolytic therapy preserves blood-brain barrier integrity and promotes microglia homeostasis in a tauopathy model


Minmin Yao,Zhiliang Wei,JOnathan S Nielsen,Aaron Kakazu,Yuxiao Ouyang,Ruoxuan Li,Tiffany Chu,Susanna Scafidi,Hanzhang Lu,Manisha Aggarwal,Wenzhen Duan



Published Date


Cellular senescence, characterized by expressing the cell cycle inhibitory protein p21/CDKN1A, is evident in driving age-related diseases. Senescent cells play a crucial role in the initiation and progression of tau-mediated pathology, suggesting that targeting cell senescence offers a therapeutic potential for treating tauopathy associated diseases. This study focuses on identifying non-invasive biomarkers and validating their responses to a well-characterized senolytic therapy combining dasatinib and quercetin (D+Q), in a widely used tauopathy mouse model, PS19. We employed human-translatable MRI measures, including water extraction with phase-contrast arterial spin tagging (WEPCAST) MRI, T2 relaxation under spin tagging (TRUST), and structural MRI, and longitudinally assessed brain physiology and regional volumes in PS19 mice. Our data reveal increased BBB permeability, decreased oxygen extraction fraction, and brain atrophy in 9-month-old PS19 mice compared to their littermate controls. (D+Q) treatment effectively preserves BBB integrity, rescues cerebral oxygen hypometabolism, attenuates brain atrophy, and alleviates tau hyperphosphorylation in PS19 mice. Mechanistically, D+Q treatment induces a shift of microglia from a disease-associated to a homeostatic state, reducing a senescence-like microglial phenotype marked by increased p21/CDKN1A. D+Q-treated PS19 mice exhibit enhanced cue-associated cognitive performance in the tracing fear conditioning test compared to the vehicle-treated littermates, implying improved cognitive function by D+Q treatment. Our results pave the way for application of senolytic …

The potential of gene editing for Huntington’s disease


Wenzhen Duan,Ece Urani,Mark P Mattson

Published Date


Huntington's disease (HD) is a dominantly inherited neurodegenerative disorder caused by a trinucleotide repeat expansion in the huntingtin gene resulting in long stretches of polyglutamine repeats in the huntingtin protein. The disease involves progressive degeneration of neurons in the striatum and cerebral cortex resulting in loss of control of motor function, psychiatric problems, and cognitive deficits. There are as yet no treatments that can slow disease progression in HD. Recent advances in gene editing using clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)–CRISPR-associated protein 9 (Cas9) systems and demonstrations of their ability to correct gene mutations in animal models of a range of diseases suggest that gene editing may prove effective in preventing or ameliorating HD. Here we describe (i) potential CRISPR-Cas designs and cellular delivery methods for the correction of …

An RNA-targeting CRISPR–Cas13d system alleviates disease-related phenotypes in Huntington’s disease models


Kathryn H Morelli,Qian Wu,Maya L Gosztyla,Hongshuai Liu,Minmin Yao,Chuangchuang Zhang,Jiaxu Chen,Ryan J Marina,Kari Lee,Krysten L Jones,Megan Y Huang,Allison Li,Charlene Smith-Geater,Leslie M Thompson,Wenzhen Duan,Gene W Yeo


Nature neuroscience

Published Date


Huntington’s disease (HD) is a fatal, dominantly inherited neurodegenerative disorder caused by CAG trinucleotide expansion in exon 1 of the huntingtin (HTT) gene. Since the reduction of pathogenic mutant HTT messenger RNA is therapeutic, we developed a mutant allele-sensitive CAGEX RNA-targeting CRISPR–Cas13d system (Cas13d–CAGEX) that eliminates toxic CAGEX RNA in fibroblasts derived from patients with HD and induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neurons. We show that intrastriatal delivery of Cas13d–CAGEX via an adeno-associated viral vector selectively reduces mutant HTT mRNA and protein levels in the striatum of heterozygous zQ175 mice, a model of HD. This also led to improved motor coordination, attenuated striatal atrophy and reduction of mutant HTT protein aggregates. These phenotypic improvements lasted for at least eight months without adverse effects and with minimal off …

Toward accurate cerebral blood flow estimation in mice after accounting for anesthesia


Zhiliang Wei,Yuguo Li,Adnan Bibic,Wenzhen Duan,Jiadi Xu,Hanzhang Lu


Frontiers in Physiology

Published Date


Purpose: To improve the accuracy of cerebral blood flow (CBF) measurement in mice by accounting for the anesthesia effects.Methods: The dependence of CBF on anesthesia dose and time was investigated by simultaneously measuring respiration rate (RR) and heart rate (HR) under four different anesthetic regimens. Quantitative CBF was measured by a phase-contrast (PC) MRI technique. RR was evaluated with a mouse monitoring system (MouseOX) while HR was determined using an ultrashort-TE MRI sequence. CBF, RR, and HR were recorded dynamically with a temporal resolution of 1 min in a total of 19 mice. Linear regression models were used to investigate the relationships among CBF, anesthesia dose, RR, and HR.Results: CBF, RR, and HR all showed a significant dependence on anesthesia dose (p < 0.0001). However, the dose in itself was insufficient to account for the variations in physiological parameters, in that they showed a time-dependent change even for a constant dose. RR and HR together can explain 52.6% of the variations in CBF measurements, which is greater than the amount of variance explained by anesthesia dose (32.4%). Based on the multi-parametric regression results, a model was proposed to correct the anesthesia effects in mouse CBF measurements, specifically CBFcorrected=CBF+0.58RR−0.41HR−32.66Dose. We also reported awake-state CBF in mice to be 142.0 ± 8.8 mL/100 g/min, which is consistent with the model-predicted value.Conclusion: The accuracy of CBF measurement in mice can be improved by using a correction model that accounts for respiration rate, heart rate, and anesthesia dose.

Interrogation of dynamic glucose-enhanced MRI and fluorescence-based imaging reveals a perturbed glymphatic network in Huntington disease


Hongshuai Liu,Lin Chen,Chuangchuang Zhang,Chang Liu,Yuguo Li,Liam Cheng,Zhiliang Wei,Ziqin Zhang,Hanzhang Lu,Peter CM van Zijl,Jeffrey J Iliff,Jiadi Xu,Wenzhen Duan



Published Date


Huntington disease (HD) is a neurodegenerative disorder that presents with progressive motor, mental, and cognitive impairment leading to early disability and mortality. The accumulation of mutant huntingtin protein aggregates in neurons is a pathological hallmark of HD. The glymphatic system, a brain-wide perivascular network, facilitates the exchange of interstitial fluid (ISF) and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), supporting interstitial solute clearance including abnormal proteins from mammalian brains. In this study, we employed dynamic glucose-enhanced (DGE) MRI to measure D-glucose clearance from CSF as a tool to assess CSF clearance capacity to predict glymphatic function in a mouse model of HD. Our results demonstrate significantly diminished CSF clearance efficiency in premanifest zQ175 HD mice. The impairment of CSF clearance of D-glucose, measured by DGE MRI, worsened with disease progression. These DGE MRI findings in compromised glymphatic function in HD mice were further confirmed with fluorescence-based imaging of glymphatic CSF tracer influx, suggesting an impaired glymphatic function in premanifest stage of HD. Moreover, expression of the astroglial water channel aquaporin-4 (AQP4) in the perivascular compartment, a key mediator of glymphatic function, was significantly diminished in both HD mouse brain as well as postmortem human HD brain. Our data, acquired using a clinically translatable MRI approach, indicate a perturbed glymphatic network in the HD brain as early as in the premanifest stage. Further validation of these findings in clinical studies should provide insights into potential of glymphatic …

Non-contrast assessment of blood-brain barrier permeability to water in mice: An arterial spin labeling study at cerebral veins


Zhiliang Wei,Hongshuai Liu,Zixuan Lin,Minmin Yao,Ruoxuan Li,Chang Liu,Yuguo Li,Jiadi Xu,Wenzhen Duan,Hanzhang Lu



Published Date


Blood-brain barrier (BBB) plays a critical role in protecting the brain from toxins and pathogens. However, in vivo tools to assess BBB permeability are scarce and often require the use of exogenous contrast agents. In this study, we aimed to develop a non-contrast arterial-spin-labeling (ASL) based MRI technique to estimate BBB permeability to water in mice. By determining the relative fraction of labeled water spins that were exchanged into the brain tissue as opposed to those that remained in the cerebral veins, we estimated indices of global BBB permeability to water including water extraction fraction (E) and permeability surface-area product (PS). First, using multiple post-labeling delay ASL experiments, we estimated the bolus arrival time (BAT) of the labeled spins to reach the great vein of Galen (VG) to be 691.2 ± 14.5 ms (N = 5). Next, we investigated the dependence of the VG ASL signal on labeling …

Early detection of exon 1 huntingtin aggregation in zQ175 brains by molecular and histological approaches


Edward J Smith,Kirupa Sathasivam,Christian Landles,Georgina F Osborne,Michael A Mason,Casandra Gomez-Paredes,Bridget A Taxy,Rebecca E Milton,Anne Ast,Franziska Schindler,Chuangchuang Zhang,Wenzhen Duan,Erich E Wanker,Gillian P Bates


Brain Communications

Published Date


Huntingtin-lowering approaches that target huntingtin expression are a major focus for therapeutic intervention for Huntington’s disease. When the cytosine, adenine and guanine repeat is expanded, the huntingtin pre-mRNA is alternatively processed to generate the full-length huntingtin and HTT1a transcripts. HTT1a encodes the aggregation-prone and highly pathogenic exon 1 huntingtin protein. In evaluating huntingtin-lowering approaches, understanding how the targeting strategy modulates levels of both transcripts and the huntingtin protein isoforms that they encode will be essential. Given the aggregation-propensity of exon 1 huntingtin, the impact of a given strategy on the levels and subcellular location of aggregated huntingtin will need to be determined. We have developed and applied sensitive molecular approaches to monitor the levels of aggregated and soluble huntingtin isoforms in tissue …

Functional and Physiological MRI Measures as Early Biomarkers for Huntington’s Disease


Wenzhen Duan

Published Date


Huntington’s disease (HD) is a devastating neurodegenerative disease affecting the brain resulting in neuronal dysfunction and degeneration. The pathogenesis of HD is progressive with a long premanifest phase in which subtle changes in the brain occur up to two decades before the onset of clinical symptoms. Early biomarkers reflecting the subtle changes in the HD brain for better understanding disease progression and evaluating treatment efficacy far from onset are greatly needed for developing disease-modifying treatment that improves the patient’s quality of life. Noninvasive functional and physiological MRI measures, including functional connectivity, task-based neuronal activity, cerebral blood volume/flow, brain oxygen metabolism, and blood brain barrier integrity, distinguish premanifest or early manifest HD individuals from normal subjects, showing great promise as biomarkers for detecting early HD …

RNA-Targeting CRISPR/Cas13d system eliminates disease-related phenotypes in pre-clinical models of huntington’s disease


Kathryn H Morelli,Qian Wu,Maya L Gosztyla,Hongshuai Liu,Chuangchuang Zhang,Jiaxu Chen,Ryan Marina,Kari Lee,Krysten L Jones,Wenzhen Duan,Gene W Yeo



Published Date


Huntington’s disease (HD) is a fatal, dominantly inherited neurodegenerative disorder caused by a CAG trinucleotide expansion in exon 1 of the huntingtin (HTT) gene. Although the pathogenesis of HD remains complex, the CAG-expanded (CAGEX) HTT mRNA and protein ultimately causes disease through a toxic gain-of-function mechanism. As the reduction of pathogenic mutant HTT mRNA is beneficial as a treatment, we developed a CAGEX RNA-eliminating CRISPR-Cas13d system (Cas13d/CAGEX) that binds and eliminates toxic CAGEX RNA in HD patient iPSC-derived striatal neurons. We show that intrastriatal delivery of Cas13d/CAGEX via a single adeno-associated viral vector, serotype 9 (AAV9) mediates significant and selective reduction of mutant HTT mRNA and protein levels within the striatum of heterozygous zQ175 mice, an established mouse model of HD. Moreover, the reduction of mutant HTT mRNA renders a sustained reversal of HD phenotypes, including improved motor coordination, attenuated striatal atrophy, and reduction of mutant HTT protein aggregates. Importantly, phenotypic improvements were durable for at least 8 months without gross or behavioral adverse effects, and with minimal off-target interactions of Cas13d/CAGEX in the mouse transcriptome. Taken together, we demonstrate a proof-of-principle of an RNA-targeting CRISPR/Cas13d system as a therapeutic approach for HD, a strategy with broad implications for the treatment of other dominantly inherited neurodegenerative disorders.

A novel and accurate full-length HTT mouse model for Huntington’s disease


Sushila A Shenoy,Sushuang Zheng,Wencheng Liu,Yuanyi Dai,Yuanxiu Liu,Zhipeng Hou,Susumu Mori,Yi Tang,Jerry Cheng,Wenzhen Duan,Chenjian Li



Published Date


Huntington’s disease (HD) is an autosomal-dominant hereditary neurodegenerative disorder caused by a pathogenic expansion of the CAG trinucleotide repeats in exon 1 of the huntingtin (HTT) gene (A novel gene containing a trinucleotide repeat that is expanded and unstable on Huntington’s disease chromosomes. The Huntington’s Disease Collaborative Research Group, 1993). The clinical features of HD include motor deficit, psychiatric disturbance, cognitive impairment, and peripheral signs such

Quantitative cerebrovascular reactivity MRI in mice using acetazolamide challenge


Zhiliang Wei,Yuguo Li,Xirui Hou,Zheng Han,Jiadi Xu,Michael T McMahon,Wenzhen Duan,Guanshu Liu,Hanzhang Lu


Magnetic resonance in medicine

Published Date


Purpose To develop a quantitative MRI method to estimate cerebrovascular reactivity (CVR) in mice. Methods We described an MRI procedure to measure cerebral vasodilatory response to acetazolamide (ACZ), a vasoactive agent previously used in human clinical imaging. Vascular response was determined by cerebral blood flow (CBF) measured with phase‐contrast or pseudo‐continuous arterial spin labeling MRI. Vasodilatory input intensity was determined by plasma ACZ level using high‐performance liquid chromatography. We verified the source of the CVR MRI signal by comparing ACZ injection to phosphate‐buffered saline injection and noninjection experiments. Dose dependence and feasibility of regional CVR measurement were also investigated. Results Cerebral blood flow revealed an exponential increase following intravenous ACZ injection, with a time constant of 1.62 min. In contrast …

D03 Novel bioassays to detect soluble and aggregated isoforms of the huntingtin protein on three technology platforms


Christian Landles,Georgina F Osborne,Rebecca E Milton,Alexandre Jean,Stuart McLarnon,Chuangchuang Zhang,Wenzhen Duan,Gillian P Bates

Published Date


Background Expanded CAG repeats undergo somatic instability, resulting in tracts of several hundred CAGs in the brain, and genetic modifiers of Huntington’s disease (HD) have indicated that somatic instability is a major driver of age of disease onset and progression. As CAG repeats expand, the likelihood that exon 1 does not splice to exon 2 increases, resulting in two transcripts that encode the highly pathogenic exon 1 HTT protein as wells as full-length HTT. HTT-lowering approaches are a major focus of therapeutic development. It is essential that the levels of all HTT isoforms can be tracked, to better understand the molecular pathogenesis of HD, and to assess the impact of HTT-lowering approaches in preclinical/clinical trials.Aims HTT bioassays for soluble and aggregated forms of HTT are in widespread use on the HTRF and MSD platforms, but these do not distinguish between exon 1 HTT and full-length …

Age‐dependent cerebrospinal fluid‐tissue water exchange detected by magnetization transfer indirect spin labeling MRI


Anna M Li,Lin Chen,Hongshuai Liu,Yuguo Li,Wenzhen Duan,Jiadi Xu


Magnetic resonance in medicine

Published Date


Purpose A non‐invasive magnetization transfer indirect spin labeling (MISL) MRI method is developed to quantify the water exchange between cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and other tissues in the brain and to examine the age‐dependence of water exchange. Method In the pulsed MISL, we implemented a short selective pulse followed by a post‐labeling delay before an MRI acquisition with a long echo time; in the continuous MISL, a train of saturation pulses was applied. MISL signal (∆Z) was obtained by the subtraction of the label MRI at −3.5 ppm from the control MRI at 200 ppm. CSF was extracted from the mouse ventricles for the MISL optimization and validation. Comparison between wild type (WT) and aquaporin‐4 knockout (AQP4−/−) mice was performed to examine the contributions of CSF water exchange, whereas its age‐dependence was investigated by comparing the adult and young WT mice. Results …

Extracellular vesicles: emerging roles in developing therapeutic approach and delivery tool of Chinese herbal medicine for the treatment of depressive disorder


Qian Wu,Wen-Zhen Duan,Jian-Bei Chen,Xiao-Peng Zhao,Xiao-Juan Li,Yue-Yun Liu,Qing-Yu Ma,Zhe Xue,Jia-Xu Chen

Published Date


Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are lipid bilayer-delimited particles released by cells, which play an essential role in intercellular communication by delivering cellular components including DNA, RNA, lipids, metabolites, cytoplasm, and cell surface proteins into recipient cells. EVs play a vital role in the pathogenesis of depression by transporting miRNA and effector molecules such as BDNF, IL34. Considering that some herbal therapies exhibit antidepressant effects, EVs might be a practical delivery approach for herbal medicine. Since EVs can cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB), one of the advantages of EV-mediated herbal drug delivery for treating depression with Chinese herbal medicine (CHM) is that EVs can transfer herbal medicine into the brain cells. This review focuses on discussing the roles of EVs in the pathophysiology of depression and outlines the emerging application of EVs in delivering CHM for the treatment of depression.

Mutant G2019S-LRRK2 Induces Abnormalities in Arteriolar Cerebral Blood Volume in Mouse Brains: An MRI Study


Bo Ning,Gongbo Guo,Chunming Gu,Jiadi Xu,Adnan Bibic,Xiaofei He,Hongshuai Liu,Lin Chen,Zhiliang Wei,Wenzhen Duan,Peiying Liu,Hanzhang Lu,Peter van Zijl,Christopher A Ross,Wanli Smith,Jun Hua


Neurodegenerative Diseases

Published Date


Background Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disease and the most common movement disorder characterized by motor impairments resulting from midbrain dopamine neuron loss. Abnormalities in small pial arteries and arterioles, which are the primary pathways of local delivery of nutrients and oxygen in brain tissue, have been reported in many neurodegenerative diseases including PD. Mutations in LRRK2 cause genetic PD and contribute to sporadic PD. The most common PD-linked mutation LRRK2 G2019S contributes 20–47% of genetic forms of PD in Caucasian populations. The human LRRK2 G2019S transgenic mouse model displays PD-like movement impairment and was used to identify novel LRRK2 inhibitors, which provides a useful model for studying microvascular abnormalities in PD. Objectives To investigate abnormalities in arteriolar cerebral blood …

Development of novel bioassays to detect soluble and aggregated Huntingtin proteins on three technology platforms


Christian Landles,Rebecca E Milton,Alexandre Jean,Stuart McLarnon,Sean J McAteer,Bridget A Taxy,Georgina F Osborne,Chuangchuang Zhang,Wenzhen Duan,David Howland,Gillian P Bates


Brain Communications

Published Date


Huntington’s disease is caused by a CAG / polyglutamine repeat expansion. Mutated CAG repeats undergo somatic instability, resulting in tracts of several hundred CAGs in the brain; and genetic modifiers of Huntington’s disease have indicated that somatic instability is a major driver of age of onset and disease progression. As the CAG repeat expands, the likelihood that exon 1 does not splice to exon 2 increases, resulting in two transcripts that encode full-length huntingtin protein, as well as the highly pathogenic and aggregation-prone exon 1 huntingtin protein. Strategies that target the huntingtin gene or transcripts are a major focus of therapeutic development. It is essential that the levels of all isoforms of huntingtin protein can be tracked, to better understand the molecular pathogenesis, and to assess the impact of huntingtin protein-lowering approaches in preclinical studies and clinical trials. Huntingtin …

Huntingtin silencing delays onset and slows progression of Huntington’s disease: a biomarker study


Hongshuai Liu,Chuangchuang Zhang,Jiadi Xu,Jing Jin,Liam Cheng,Xinyuan Miao,Qian Wu,Zhiliang Wei,Peiying Liu,Hanzhang Lu,Peter CM Van Zijl,Christopher A Ross,Jun Hua,Wenzhen Duan



Published Date


Huntington’s disease is a dominantly inherited, fatal neurodegenerative disorder caused by a CAG expansion in the huntingtin (HTT) gene, coding for pathological mutant HTT protein (mHTT). Because of its gain-of-function mechanism and monogenic aetiology, strategies to lower HTT are being actively investigated as disease-modifying therapies. Most approaches are currently targeted at the manifest stage, where clinical outcomes are used to evaluate the effectiveness of therapy. However, as almost 50% of striatal volume has been lost at the time of onset of clinical manifest, it would be preferable to begin therapy in the premanifest period. An unmet challenge is how to evaluate therapeutic efficacy before the presence of clinical symptoms as outcome measures. To address this, we aim to develop non-invasive sensitive biomarkers that provide insight into therapeutic efficacy in the premanifest stage of …

Early detection of Alzheimer's disease using creatine chemical exchange saturation transfer magnetic resonance imaging


Lin Chen,Peter CM van Zijl,Zhiliang Wei,Hanzhang Lu,Wenzhen Duan,Philip C Wong,Tong Li,Jiadi Xu



Published Date


Detecting Alzheimer's disease (AD) at an early stage brings a lot of benefits including disease management and actions to slow the progression of the disease. Here, we demonstrate that reduced creatine chemical exchange saturation transfer (CrCEST) contrast has the potential to serve as a new biomarker for early detection of AD. The results on wild type (WT) mice and two age-matched AD models, namely tauopathy (Tau) and Aβ amyloidosis (APP), indicated that CrCEST contrasts of the cortex and corpus callosum in the APP and Tau mice were significantly reduced compared to WT counterpart at an early stage (6-7 months) (p < 0.011). Two main causes of the reduced CrCEST contrast, i.e. cerebral pH and creatine concentration, were investigated. From phantom and hypercapnia experiments, CrCEST showed excellent sensitivity to pH variations. From MRS results, the creatine concentration in WT and AD …

Impaired response of cerebral oxygen metabolism to visual stimulation in Huntington’s disease


Peter Klinkmueller,Martin Kronenbuerger,Xinyuan Miao,Jee Bang,Kia E Ultz,Adrian Paez,Xiaoyu Zhang,Wenzhen Duan,Russell L Margolis,Peter CM van Zijl,Christopher A Ross,Jun Hua


Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism

Published Date


Huntington’s disease (HD) is a neurodegenerative disease caused by a CAG triplet repeat expansion in the Huntingtin gene. Metabolic and microvascular abnormalities in the brain may contribute to early physiological changes that subserve the functional impairments in HD. This study is intended to investigate potential abnormality in dynamic changes in cerebral blood volume (CBV) and cerebral blood flow (CBF), and cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen (CMRO2) in the brain in response to functional stimulation in premanifest and early manifest HD patients. A recently developed 3-D-TRiple-acquisition-after-Inversion-Preparation magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) approach was used to measure dynamic responses in CBV, CBF, and CMRO2 during visual stimulation in one single MRI scan. Experiments were conducted in 23 HD patients and 16 healthy controls. Decreased occipital cortex CMRO2 responses …

HTT silencing delays onset and slows progression of Huntington’s disease like phenotype: Monitoring with a novel neurovascular biomarker


Hongshuai Liu,Chuangchuang Zhang,Jiadi Xu,Jing Jin,Liam Cheng,Qian Wu,Zhiliang Wei,Peiying Liu,Hanzhang Lu,Peter CM van Zijl,Christopher A Ross,Jun Hua,Wenzhen Duan



Published Date


Huntington’s disease (HD) is a dominantly inherited, fatal neurodegenerative disorder caused by a CAG expansion in the Huntingtin (HTT) gene, coding for pathologic mutant HTT protein (mHTT). Because of its gain-of-function mechanism and monogenic etiology, strategies to lower HTT are being actively investigated as disease-modifying therapies. Most approaches are currently targeted at the manifest HD stage, when clinical outcomes are used to evaluate the effectiveness of therapy. However, as almost 50% of striatal volume has been lost at the time of onset of manifest HD it would be preferable to begin therapy in the premanifest period. An unmet challenge is how to evaluate therapeutic efficacy before the presence of clinical symptoms as outcome measures. To address this, we have been developing more sensitive biomarkers such as functional neuroimaging with the goal of identifying noninvasive biomarkers that provide insight into the best time to introduce HTT-lowering treatment. In this study, we mapped the temporal trajectories of arteriolar cerebral blood volumes (CBVa) using inflow-based vascular-space-occupancy (iVASO) MRI technique in an HD mouse model. Significantly elevated CBVa was evident in premanifest zQ175 HD mice prior to motor deficits and striatal atrophy, recapitulating altered CBVa in human premanifest HD. CRISPR/Cas9-mediated non-allele-specific HTT silencing in striatal neurons restored altered CBVa in premanifest zQ175 mice, delayed onset of striatal atrophy, and slowed the progression of motor phenotype and brain pathology. This study showed the potential of CBVa as a noninvasive fMRI …

Nemo-like kinase reduces mutant huntingtin levels and mitigates Huntington’s disease


Mali Jiang,Xiaoyan Zhang,Hongshuai Liu,Jared LeBron,Athanasios Alexandris,Qi Peng,Hao Gu,Fanghan Yang,Yuchen Li,Ruiling Wang,Zhipeng Hou,Nicolas Arbez,Qianwei Ren,Jen-Li Dong,Emma Whela,Ronald Wang,Tamara Ratovitski,Juan C Troncoso,Susumu Mori,Christopher A Ross,Janghoo Lim,Wenzhen Duan


Human molecular genetics

Published Date


Nemo-like kinase (NLK), an evolutionarily conserved serine/threonine kinase, is highly expressed in the brain, but its function in the adult brain remains not well understood. In this study, we identify NLK as an interactor of huntingtin protein (HTT). We report that NLK levels are significantly decreased in HD human brain and HD models. Importantly, overexpression of NLK in the striatum attenuates brain atrophy, preserves striatal DARPP32 levels and reduces mutant HTT (mHTT) aggregation in HD mice. In contrast, genetic reduction of NLK exacerbates brain atrophy and loss of DARPP32 in HD mice. Moreover, we demonstrate that NLK lowers mHTT levels in a kinase activity-dependent manner, while having no significant effect on normal HTT protein levels in mouse striatal cells, human cells and HD mouse models. The NLK-mediated lowering of mHTT is associated with enhanced phosphorylation of mHTT …

Abnormal brain development in Huntington’disease is recapitulated in the zQ175 knock-in mouse model


Chuangchuang Zhang,Qian Wu,Hongshuai Liu,Liam Cheng,Zhipeng Hou,Susumu Mori,Jun Hua,Christopher A Ross,Jiangyang Zhang,Peggy C Nopoulos,Wenzhen Duan


Cerebral Cortex Communications

Published Date


Emerging cellular and molecular studies are providing compelling evidence that altered brain development contributes to the pathogenesis of Huntington’s disease (HD). There has been lacking longitudinal system-level data obtained from in vivo HD models supporting this hypothesis. Our human MRI study in children and adolescents with HD indicates that striatal development differs between the HD and control groups, with initial hypertrophy and more rapid volume decline in HD group. In this study, we aimed to determine whether brain development recapitulates the human HD during the postnatal period. Longitudinal structural MRI scans were conducted in the heterozygous zQ175 HD mice and their littermate controls. We found that male zQ175 HD mice recapitulated the region-specific abnormal volume development in the striatum and globus pallidus, with early hypertrophy and then rapidly decline in …

Transcriptional Assessment of Striatal mRNAs as Valid Biomarkers of Disease Progression in Three Mouse Models of Huntington’s Disease


Afshin Ghavami,Michael Olsen,Mei Kwan,Jose Beltran,John Shea,Sylvie Ramboz,Wenzhen Duan,Daniel Lavery,David Howland,Larry C Park


Journal of Huntington's Disease

Published Date


Background:Huntington’s disease (HD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that prominently affects the basal ganglia, leading to affective, cognitive, behavioral, and motor decline. The primary site of neuron loss in HD is the striatal part of the basal ganglia, with GABAergic medium size spiny neurons (MSNs) being nearly completely lost in advanced HD.Objective:Based on the hypothesis that mutant huntingtin (mHTT) protein injures neurons via transcriptional dysregulation, we set out to establish a transcriptional profile of HD disease progression in the well characterized transgenic mouse model, R6/2, and two Knock-in models (KI); zQ175KI (expressing mutant mouse/human chimeric Htt protein) and HdhQ200 HET KI (carrying one allele of expanded mouse CAG repeats).Methods:In this study, we used quantitative PCR (qPCR) to evaluate striatal mRNA levels of markers of neurotransmission …

See List of Professors in Wenzhen Duan University(Johns Hopkins University)

Wenzhen Duan FAQs

What is Wenzhen Duan's h-index at Johns Hopkins University?

The h-index of Wenzhen Duan has been 31 since 2020 and 51 in total.

What are Wenzhen Duan's top articles?

The articles with the titles of

Distinguishing microgliosis and tau deposition in the mouse brain using paramagnetic and diamagnetic susceptibility source separation

Senolytic therapy preserves blood-brain barrier integrity and promotes microglia homeostasis in a tauopathy model

The potential of gene editing for Huntington’s disease

An RNA-targeting CRISPR–Cas13d system alleviates disease-related phenotypes in Huntington’s disease models

Toward accurate cerebral blood flow estimation in mice after accounting for anesthesia

Interrogation of dynamic glucose-enhanced MRI and fluorescence-based imaging reveals a perturbed glymphatic network in Huntington disease

Non-contrast assessment of blood-brain barrier permeability to water in mice: An arterial spin labeling study at cerebral veins

Early detection of exon 1 huntingtin aggregation in zQ175 brains by molecular and histological approaches


are the top articles of Wenzhen Duan at Johns Hopkins University.

What are Wenzhen Duan's research interests?

The research interests of Wenzhen Duan are: Neuroscience, Neurodegeneration, Huntington's disease, Aging, Neuroimaging Biomarkers

What is Wenzhen Duan's total number of citations?

Wenzhen Duan has 11,977 citations in total.

What are the co-authors of Wenzhen Duan?

The co-authors of Wenzhen Duan are Mark P. Mattson, Jeffrey D. Rothstein, Juan Troncoso, Susumu Mori, Michael I. Miller, Peter B. Barker.


    H-index: 245
    Mark P. Mattson

    Mark P. Mattson

    Johns Hopkins University

    H-index: 131
    Jeffrey D. Rothstein

    Jeffrey D. Rothstein

    Johns Hopkins University

    H-index: 121
    Juan Troncoso

    Juan Troncoso

    Johns Hopkins University

    H-index: 109
    Susumu Mori

    Susumu Mori

    Johns Hopkins University

    H-index: 103
    Michael I. Miller

    Michael I. Miller

    Johns Hopkins University

    H-index: 95
    Peter B. Barker

    Peter B. Barker

    Johns Hopkins University


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