Прозрачная отчетность о многофакторной предсказательной модели для индивидуального прогнозирования или диагностики (TRIPOD): разъяснения и уточнения

Digital Diagnostics

Published On 2022

Руководство TRIPOD (Transparent Reporting of a multivariable prediction model for Individual Prognosis Or Diagnosis) содержит контрольный перечень из 22 пунктов рекомендаций, предложенных для повышения качества отчётности по исследованиям, в которых разрабатывали, проверяли или обновляли предсказательные модели для диагностики или прогнозирования. Руководство TRIPOD направлено на повышение прозрачности отчёта об исследовании предсказательной модели, независимо от использованных методов. Этот документ с пояснениями и уточнениями включает обоснование, разъяснения значений каждого пункта рекомендаций, обсуждение важности прозрачной отчётности для оценки риска систематических ошибок и клинической полезности предсказательной модели. Каждая рекомендация руководства TRIPOD подробно объясняется, приводятся опубликованные примеры правильного представления результатов. Документ также содержит ценную справочную информацию, которую следует учитывать при разработке, проведении и анализе исследований предсказательных моделей. Рекомендуем авторам включать в свои работы все пункты контрольного перечня, что облегчит оценку исследования редакторами, рецензентами, читателями и исследователями, проводящими систематическое обобщение результатов таких исследований. Контрольный перечень TRIPOD также доступен по адресу: www. tripod-statement. org.


Digital Diagnostics

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Douglas G Altman

Douglas G Altman

University of Oxford


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Other Articles from authors

Douglas G Altman

Douglas G Altman

University of Oxford

Journal of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka

Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE): Explanation and Elaboration: a Korean translation

ImportanceMendelian randomization (MR) studies use genetic variation associated with modifiable exposures to assess their possible causal relationship with outcomes and aim to reduce potential bias from confounding and reverse causation.ObjectiveTo develop the STROBE-MR Statement as a stand-alone extension to the STROBE (Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology) guideline for the reporting of MR studies.Design, Setting, and ParticipantsThe development of the STROBE-MR Statement followed the Enhancing the Quality and Transparency of Health Research (EQUATOR) framework guidance and used the STROBE Statement as a starting point to draft a checklist tailored to MR studies. The project was initiated in 2018 by reviewing the literature on the reporting of instrumental variable and MR studies. A group of 17 experts, including MR methodologists, MR study design …

Douglas G Altman

Douglas G Altman

University of Oxford

Systematic reviews of prediction models

Prediction models combine values of multiple predictors to estimate an individual's risk of having a certain outcome or disease (diagnostic models) or developing a future outcome (prognostic models). Systematic reviews are needed to identify existing prediction models for a certain target population or outcome and to summarize their predictive performance and heterogeneity in their performance. Appraising the quality and reporting of a prediction model study is essential. Studies describing the development or validation of a prediction model often do not conform to prevailing methodological standards and key details are often not reported. Meta‐analysis of the predictive performance of a specific prediction model from multiple external validation studies of that model is possible, focusing on calibration and discrimination. In this chapter, we describe the types of …

Douglas G Altman

Douglas G Altman

University of Oxford

Вопросы современной педиатрии

Рекомендации CARE для описания случаев: разъяснения и уточнения

Обоснование. Доступное и понятное описание клинических случаев помогает выявлять самые ранние данные о возможной пользе, неблагоприятном влиянии и расходовании ресурсов; предоставляет информацию для клинической научной работы и разработки рекомендаций для клинической практики; интегрируется в медицинское образование. Авторы с большей вероятностью подготовят высококачественные описания случаев, если будут следовать определенным правилам написания таких публикаций. В 2011–2012 гг. группа клиницистов, ученых и редакторов журналов разработала рекомендации для точного представления информации при описании случаев, итогом которых стало Положение CARE (CAse REport—описание случаев) с Проверочным перечнем, представленное в 2013 г. на Международном конгрессе по экспертному рецензированию и биомедицинским публикациям, поддержанное многочисленными медицинскими журналами и переведенное на 9 языков.

Douglas G Altman

Douglas G Altman

University of Oxford


A longitudinal assessment of trial protocols approved by research ethics committees: The Adherance to SPIrit REcommendations in the UK (ASPIRE-UK) study

BackgroundTo assess the quality of reporting of RCT protocols approved by UK research ethics committees before and after the publication of the Standard Protocol Items: Recommendations for Interventional Trials (SPIRIT) guideline.MethodsWe had access to RCT study protocols that received ethical approval in the UK in 2012 (n=103) and 2016 (n=108). From those, we assessed the adherence to the 33 SPIRIT items (i.e. a total of 64 components of the 33 SPIRIT items). We descriptively analysed the adherence to SPIRIT guidelines as proportion of adequately reported items (median and interquartile range [IQR]) and stratified the results by year of approval and sponsor.ResultsThe proportion of reported SPIRIT items increased from a median of 64.9% (IQR, 57.6–69.2%) in 2012 to a median of 72.5% (IQR, 65.3–78.3%) in 2016. Industry-sponsored RCTs reported more SPIRIT items in 2012 (median 67.4%; IQR …

Douglas G Altman

Douglas G Altman

University of Oxford

Current Pediatrics

STARD 2015 guidelines for reporting diagnostic accuracy studies: explanation and elaboration

Diagnostic accuracy studies are, like other clinical studies, at risk of bias due to shortcomings in design and conduct, and the results of a diagnostic accuracy study may not apply to other patient groups and settings. Readers of study reports need to be informed about study design and conduct, in sufficient detail to judge the trustworthiness and applicability of the study findings. The STARD statement (Standards for Reporting of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies) was developed to improve the completeness and transparency of reports of diagnostic accuracy studies. STARD contains a list of essential items that can be used as a checklist, by authors, reviewers and other readers, to ensure that a report of a diagnostic accuracy study contains the necessary information. STARD was recently updated. All updated STARD materials, including the checklist, are available at http://www. equator-network. org/reporting-guidelines/stard. Here, we present the STARD 2015 explanation and elaboration document. Through commented examples of appropriate reporting, we clarify the rationale for each of the 30 items on the STARD 2015 checklist, and describe what is expected from authors in developing sufficiently informative study reports. Present article is Russian-language translation of the original manuscript edited by Doctor of Medicine RT Saygitov.

Douglas G Altman

Douglas G Altman

University of Oxford

Effect measures

Here we describe the different effect measures that are typically used in meta‐analyses of randomized trials, many of which are also used in observational studies. For dichotomous data (e.g. dead or alive), the three main options are the odds ratio (OR), the risk ratio (RR) and the risk difference (RD). We describe how these are computed from results of individual trials, along with measures of uncertainty. For continuous outcomes (e.g. body mass index), the three main options are the difference in means, a standardized difference in means, and the ratio of means (RoM). Again, we provide computational formulae for these, and we also discuss effect measures suitable for time‐to‐event outcomes, rates, and ordinal outcomes. We then explore how one might decide among different effect measures when several are available. The key considerations are (i) the …

Douglas G Altman

Douglas G Altman

University of Oxford

Вопросы современной педиатрии

Повышение качества отчетов о наблюдательных исследованиях в эпидемиологии (STROBE): разъяснения и уточнения

Большинство медицинских исследований являются наблюдательными (observational). Сообщения о таких исследованиях часто невысокого качества, что затрудняет оценку сильных и слабых сторон работы, а также обобщаемости (generalisability) ее результатов. Принимая во внимание эмпирические свидетельства и теоретические соображения, группа методологов, исследователей и научных редакторов разработала рекомендации «Повышение качества отчетов о наблюдательных исследованиях в эпидемиологии (STROBE): разъяснения и уточнения». Рекомендации STROBE содержат 22 пункта, связанных с оформлением следующих разделов научных статей: название, аннотация, введение, методы, результаты и их обсуждение, при этом 18 пунктов являются общими для когортных исследований (cohort studies), исследований «случай-контроль» (case-control studies) и одномоментных исследований (cross-sectional studies); 4 пункта специфичны для каждого из указанных дизайнов исследований (study designs). STROBE - руководство для авторов, необходимое для повышения качества отчетов о наблюдательных исследованиях, облегчающее критическую оценку исследования и его интерпретацию рецензентами, редакторами журналов и читателями. Цель этой разъясняющей и уточняющей статьи - способствовать более широкому применению, пониманию и распространению стандартов STROBE. В ней даются разъяснение смысла и обоснование применения каждого пункта руководства (checklist). По каждому пункту приводятся один или …

Douglas G Altman

Douglas G Altman

University of Oxford

Journal of Geriatric Cardiology: JGC

Effect of transcatheter aortic valve implantation vs surgical aortic valve replacement on all-cause mortality in patients with aortic stenosis: a randomized clinical trial

BackgroundQT dispersion (QTd) is a predictor of ventricular arrhythmia. Ventricular arrhythmia is an important factor influencing morbidity and mortality in patients with aortic stenosis. Surgical aortic valve replacement reduced the QTd in this patients group. However, the effect of transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) on QTd in patients with aortic stenosis is unknown. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of TAVI on QTd in patients with aortic stenosis.MethodsPatients with severe aortic stenosis, who were not candidates for surgical aortic valve replacement due to contraindications or high surgical risk, were included in the study. All patients underwent electrocardiographic and echocardiographic evaluation before, and at the 6 th month after TAVI, computed QTd and left ventricular mass index (LVMI).ResultsA total 30 patients were admitted to the study (mean age 83.2±1.0 years, female 21 and …

Douglas G Altman

Douglas G Altman

University of Oxford

Systematic reviews of prognostic factor studies

Primary studies to identify prognostic factors are abundant, but often have conflicting findings and variable quality. This motivates systematic reviews to identify, evaluate, and summarize prognostic factor studies. Broad search strings are required to identify relevant studies, and the CHARMS‐PF checklist guides subsequent data extraction. The QUIPS tool examines each study's risk of bias; unfortunately, many studies will have high risk of bias due to poor design and analysis. Meta‐analysis can be used to combine and summarize prognostic effect estimates (such as hazard ratios or odds ratios) across studies, but may not always be sensible. Between‐study heterogeneity is expected. Ideally, separate meta‐analyses are performed; for example, for each method of prognostic factor measurement, for each cut point (for categorized continuous prognostic factors …

Douglas G Altman

Douglas G Altman

University of Oxford

Digital Diagnostics

Transparent Reporting of a multivariable prediction model for Individual Prognosis Or Diagnosis (TRIPOD): Explanation and Elaboration. Translation in to Russian

The TRIPOD (Transparent Reporting of a multivariable prediction model for Individual Prognosis Or Diagnosis) Statement includes a 22-item checklist, which aims to improve the reporting of studies developing, validating, or updating a prediction model, whether for diagnostic or prognostic purposes. The TRIPOD Statement aims to improve the transparency of the reporting of a prediction model study regardless of the study methods used. This explanation and elaboration document describes the rationale; clarifies the meaning of each item; and discusses why transparent reporting is important, with a view to assessing risk of bias and clinical usefulness of the prediction model. Each checklist item of the TRIPOD Statement is explained in detail and accompanied by published examples of good reporting. The document also provides a valuable reference of issues to consider when designing, conducting, and analyzing prediction model studies. To aid the editorial process and help peer reviewers and, ultimately, readers and systematic reviewers of prediction model studies, it is recommended that authors include a completed checklist in their submission. The TRIPOD checklist can also be downloaded from www. tripod-statement. org.


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Douglas G Altman

Douglas G Altman

University of Oxford

Digital interventions for hypertension and asthma to support patient self-management in primary care: the DIPSS research programme including two RCTs

Background Digital interventions offer a potentially cost-effective means to support patient self-management in primary care, but evidence for the feasibility, acceptability and cost-effectiveness of digital interventions remains mixed. This programme focused on the potential for self-management digital interventions to improve outcomes in two common, contrasting conditions (i.e. hypertension and asthma) for which care is currently suboptimal, leading to excess deaths, illness, disability and costs for the NHS. Objectives The overall purpose was to address the question of how digital interventions can best provide cost-effective support for patient self-management in primary care. Our aims were to develop and trial digital interventions to support patient self-management of hypertension and asthma. Through the process of planning, developing and evaluating these interventions, we also aimed to generate a better understanding of what features and methods for implementing digital interventions could make digital interventions acceptable, feasible, effective and cost-effective to integrate into primary care. Design For the hypertension strand, we carried out systematic reviews of quantitative and qualitative evidence, intervention planning, development and optimisation, and an unmasked randomised controlled trial comparing digital intervention with usual care, with a health economic analysis and nested process evaluation. For the asthma strand, we carried out a systematic review of quantitative evidence, intervention planning, development and optimisation, and a feasibility randomised controlled trial comparing digital intervention with usual care …

Douglas G Altman

Douglas G Altman

University of Oxford

European Heart Journal-Quality of Care and Clinical Outcomes

Cost-effectiveness of bilateral vs. single internal thoracic artery grafts at 10 years

Aims Using bilateral internal thoracic arteries (BITAs) for coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) has been suggested to improve survival compared to CABG using single internal thoracic arteries (SITAs) for patients with advanced coronary artery disease. We used data from the Arterial Revascularization Trial (ART) to assess long-term cost-effectiveness of BITA grafting compared to SITA grafting from an English health system perspective. Methods and results Resource use, healthcare costs, and quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) were assessed across 10 years of follow-up from an intention-to-treat perspective. Missing data were addressed using multiple imputation. Incremental cost-effectiveness ratios were calculated with uncertainty characterized using non-parametric bootstrapping. Results were extrapolated beyond 10 years using Gompertz functions for survival and …

Douglas G Altman

Douglas G Altman

University of Oxford

Principles of Systematic Reviewing

The principles and steps of systematic reviews are similar to any other research undertaking: formulation of the problem to be addressed, collection and analysis of the data, and interpretation of the results. A study protocol should be written, which states objectives and eligibility criteria, describes how studies will be identified and selected, explains how any assessment of methodological quality or risk of bias will be undertaken, and provides details of any planned synthesis methods. The results from eligible studies are expressed in a standardized format and are often displayed graphically in forest plots with confidence intervals. Heterogeneity between study results and possible biases may be explored graphically in a forest, funnel, and other plots, and in statistical analyses. If a meta‐analysis is deemed appropriate, a typical effect is estimated by combining …

Douglas G Altman

Douglas G Altman

University of Oxford

METAN: Stata module for fixed and random effects meta-analysis

Meta-analysis is a statistical technique for combining results from multiple independent studies, with the aim of estimating a single overall effect. The routines in this package provide facilities to conduct meta-analyses of binary (event) or continuous data from two groups, or intervention effect estimates with corresponding standard errors or confidence intervals. This is an updated version of metan as published in Stata Journal Issue 8, and prior to that in STB-44, authored by Michael J Bradburn, Jonathan J Deeks and Douglas G Altman. Updates include a wide range of random-effects models; cumulative and influence analysis; meta-analysis of proportions; and better handling of heterogeneity, continuity correction and returned values. The routine for constructing forest plots has been separated off (‘forestplot’ command) and hugely extended; extremely flexible and generalised forest plots may now be produced. Also included is an “immediate” command ‘metani’, which accepts numlists or matrices as input rather than variables in memory; the ‘metannt’ program for binary data, which displays estimated intervention effects in terms of the absolute reduction in risk and number needed to treat; and the ‘labbe’ program which produces L'Abbe plots to examine whether the assumption of a common odds ratio, risk ratio or risk difference is reasonable. Further information on this package, including validation scripts, may be found at https://github.com/UCL/metan; and a description of available Stata meta-analysis commands may be found at http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/stat/meta.html.


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Douglas G Altman

Douglas G Altman

University of Oxford

Confidence intervals

In the previous chapters we discussed how to estimate a population mean and the associated population variance from existing samples. The corresponding estimators are usually called point estimators, but we can go one step further and specify a range for plausible population parameters. This procedure is called interval estimation, and the calculated intervals are labeled confidence intervals. This chapter introduces the general form of a confidence interval and then applies it to the (common) confidence interval for the sample mean. It then contrasts the concepts of null hypothesis significance testing and confidence intervals. Finally it considers confidence intervals for dependent (paired) samples.

Douglas G Altman

Douglas G Altman

University of Oxford

Digital Diagnostics

CARE guidelines for case reports: explanation and elaboration document. Translation into Russian

BACKGROUND: Well-written and transparent case reports (1) reveal early signals of potential benefits, harms, and information on the use of resources;(2) provide information for clinical research and clinical practice guidelines, and (3) inform medical education. High-quality case reports are more likely when authors follow reporting guidelines. During 2011–2012, a group of clinicians, researchers, and journal editors developed recommendations for the accurate reporting of information in case reports that resulted in the CARE (CAse REport) Statement and Checklist. They were presented at the 2013 International Congress on Peer Review and Biomedical Publication, have been endorsed by multiple medical journals, and translated into nine languages.OBJECTIVES: This explanation and elaboration document has the objective to increase the use and dissemination of the CARE Checklist in writing and publishing case reports.

Douglas G Altman

Douglas G Altman

University of Oxford

Assessing the risk of bias in randomized trials

Studies at high risk of bias may distort the results of systematic reviews and meta‐analyses. Based on empirical evidence and theoretical considerations, the following sources of bias should be assessed when including randomized trials in a review: bias arising from the randomization process, bias due to deviations from the intended interventions, bias due to missing outcome data, bias in measurement of the outcome, and bias due to selective reporting. The use of summary scores from quality scales is problematic. Results depend on the choice of scale, and the interpretation of the results is difficult. Therefore, judging risk of bias within separate specified bias domains and recording the information on which each judgment is based – the domain‐based approach – are preferred. Assessments of risk of bias of included studies should routinely be incorporated in …

Douglas G Altman

Douglas G Altman

University of Oxford

Medici Oggi

STROBE Statement: linee guida per descrivere gli studi osservazionali. Traduzione italiana.

Molta della ricerca in campo biomedico è di natura osservazionale. La descrizione di queste ricerche è spesso inadeguata, il che rende difficile la valutazione dei punti di forza e di debolezza di uno studio e la generalizzazione dei suoi risultati. L’iniziativa STROBE (Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology, Migliorare la descrizione degli studi clinici osservazionali in epidemiologia) è nata con lo scopo di sviluppare raccomandazioni su ciò che dovrebbe essere incluso in una descrizione accurata e completa di uno studio osservazionale. Abbiamo definito il campo di applicazione di queste raccomandazioni in modo da coprire i tre principali disegni di studio, e cioè quelli di coorte, caso-controllo e trasversali. Nel settembre 2004 si è tenuto un workshop, nel quale è stata elaborata, da parte di metodologi, direttori di riviste medico-scientifiche e ricercatori, una lista dei punti chiave da …

Douglas G Altman

Douglas G Altman

University of Oxford

Digital Diagnostics

提高流行病学观察性研究报告的质量 (STROBE): 澄清和澄清

Большинство медицинских исследований являются наблюдательными (observational). Сообщения о таких исследованиях часто невысокого качества, что затрудняет оценку сильных и слабых сторон работы, а также обобщаемости (generalizability) её результатов. Принимая во внимание эмпирические свидетельства и теоретические соображения, группа методологов, исследователей и научных редакторов разработала рекомендации «Повышение качества отчётов о наблюдательных исследованиях в эпидемиологии (STROBE): разъяснения и уточнения». Рекомендации STROBE содержат 22 пункта, связанных с оформлением следующих разделов научных статей: название, аннотация, введение, методы, результаты и их обсуждение, при этом 18 пунктов являются общими для когортных исследований (cohort studies), исследований «случай-контроль»(case …

Other articles from Digital Diagnostics journal

Valentin Sinitsyn

Valentin Sinitsyn

Moscow State University

Digital Diagnostics

Improving aortic aneurysm detection with artificial intelligence based on chest computed tomography data

BACKGROUND: Aortic aneurysms are known as “silent killers” because this potentially fatal condition can be asymptomatic. The annual incidence of thoracic aortic aneurysms and ruptures is approximately 10 and 1.6 per 100,000 individuals, respectively. The mortality rate for ruptured aneurysms ranges from 94% to 100%. Early diagnosis and treatment can be life-saving. Artificial intelligence technologies can significantly improve diagnostic accuracy and save the lives of patients with thoracic aortic aneurysms.AIM: This study aimed to assess the efficacy of artificial intelligence technologies for detecting thoracic aortic aneurysms on chest computed tomography scans, as well as the possibility of using artificial intelligence as a clinical decision support system for radiologists during the primary interpretation of radiological images.MATERIALS AND METHODS: The results of using artificial intelligence technologies for detecting thoracic aortic aneurysms on non-contrast chest computed tomography scans were evaluated. A sample of 84,405 patients> 18 years old was generated, with 86 cases of suspected thoracic aortic aneurysms based on artificial intelligence data selected and retrospectively assessed by radiologists and vascular surgeons. To assess the age distribution of the aortic diameter, an additional sample of 968 cases was randomly selected from the total number.RESULTS: In 44 cases, aneurysms were initially identified by radiologists, whereas in 31 cases, aneurysms were not detected initially; however, artificial intelligence aided in their detection. Six studies were excluded, and five studies had false-positive results. Artificial …

Valentin Sinitsyn

Valentin Sinitsyn

Moscow State University

Digital Diagnostics

Frequency of various cardiac complications in children with repaired tetralogy of Fallot identified by computer tomography

АННОТАЦИЯ Обоснование. Частота возникновения тетрады Фалло составляет примерно 0, 5/1000 живорождённых, что соответствует 7–10% всех случаев врождённых пороков сердца и является второй по частоте формой сложных врождённых пороков сердца. Достижения в области диагностики, хирургического и послеоперационного лечения тетрады Фалло привели к тому, что всё большее число пациентов этой категории достигает зрелого возраста, при этом наблюдается резкое увеличение выживаемости (почти до 90%) к 30 годам, что требует длительного мониторинга определённых анатомических параметров для своевременного выявления осложнений. Данное исследование направлено на изучение частоты осложнений, выявленных с помощью компьютерной томографии, после радикальной коррекции тетрады Фалло у пациентов детского возраста.Цель―выявить с помощью компьютерной томографии маркеры наиболее часто встречающихся осложнений после коррекции тетрады Фалло у пациентов детского возраста. Материалы и методы. Проведён ретроспективный анализ данных 613 пациентов с тетрадой Фалло за период с октября 2011 по июнь 2020 года. В исследование были включены 116 пациентов, из них 69 мужского и 47 женского пола, у которых после коррекции тетрады Фалло возникли осложнения, выявленные с помощью компьютерной томографии. На момент операции средний возраст пациентов составлял от 10 до 36 (в среднем 12) месяцев, средняя масса тела 21 кг, средний рост 105, 4 см, средняя площадь …

Valentin Sinitsyn

Valentin Sinitsyn

Moscow State University

Digital Diagnostics

Analysis of the diagnostic and economic impact of the combined artificial intelligence algorithm for analysis of 10 pathological findings on chest computed tomography

АННОТАЦИЯ Обоснование. Технологии искусственного интеллекта призваны помогать в решении проблемы пропуска находок при лучевых исследованиях. Важным вопросом является оценка экономической пользы от внедрения технологий искусственного интеллекта. Цель―оценить частоту выявления патологических находок и экономический потенциал применения комплексного искусственного интеллекта для компьютерной томографии органов грудной клетки, валидированного экспертами, по сравнению с рентгенологами без доступа к технологиям в условиях частного медицинского центра. Материалы и методы. Проведено обсервационное одноцентровое ретроспективное исследование. В исследование включались компьютерные томограммы органов грудной клетки без внутривенного контрастирования, выполненные в ООО «Клинический госпиталь на Яузе»(Москва) в период с 01.06. 2022 по 31.07. 2022. Компьютерные томограммы обработаны комплексным алгоритмом искусственного интеллекта для десяти патологий: инфильтративные изменения в лёгких, характерные для вирусной пневмонии (COVID-19 в условиях пандемии); лёгочные узлы; свободная жидкость в плевральных полостях; эмфизема лёгких; увеличение диаметра грудной аорты; увеличение диаметра ствола лёгочной артерии; коронарный кальциноз; оценка толщины надпочечников; оценка высоты и плотности тел позвонков. Два эксперта анализировали компьютерные томограммы и сравнивали результаты с анализом искусственного интеллекта. Для всех находок …

Valentin Sinitsyn

Valentin Sinitsyn

Moscow State University

Digital Diagnostics

The role of dual-energy computed tomography in the diagnosis of gout and other crystalline arthropathies: A review

This article discusses the importance of dual-energy computed tomography (DECT) in the diagnosis of gout, the principles of DECT, the accuracy of the methodology, the types of artifacts are analyzed. The possible dependence of the presence of deposits of sodium monourate (MUN) on other clinical data, the role of DECT in the differential diagnosis of other crystalline arthropathies is considered. The method of dual-energy computed tomography has a number of advantages: non-invasiveness, speed of execution, multiple reduction in the risk of iatrogenic complications compared with diagnostic arthrocentesis, which is the "gold standard" in the diagnosis of gout. Detection of gout, monitoring the efficiency of treatment, the possibility of differential diagnosis all these tasks can be realized with the help of DECT.

Valentin Sinitsyn

Valentin Sinitsyn

Moscow State University

Digital Diagnostics

“Rice bodies” symptoms on magnetic resonance imaging of the shoulder in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis

The “rice bodies” symptom on magnetic resonance imaging of the shoulder joint in patients with rheumatoid arthritis is a rare but specific finding characterized by the presence of multiple small, round, rice-grain-like structures in the synovial fluid of the joint, synovial pouches, or sheaths. The etiology of the “rice bodies” is still not fully understood. They are suggested as the result of microinfarcts of the synovial membrane in patients with rheumatoid arthritis or other inflammatory joint diseases. Clinically, the “rice bodies” symptom may cause pain, but not in every case. Among radiological diagnostic methods, magnetic resonance imaging is the leading method for the detection of rice bodies. This article presents a clinical case of “rice bodies” symptoms diagnosed by magnetic resonance imaging in a patient with a long history of rheumatoid arthritis who presented with a painless enlargement in the left shoulder. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging of the left shoulder could detect “rice bodies” as a manifestation of an underlying disease and determine further treatment techniques.

Valentin Sinitsyn

Valentin Sinitsyn

Moscow State University

Digital Diagnostics

Abernethy 畸形: 临床病例

Abernethy malformation: A case report - PDF (Chinese) - Panyukova - Digital Diagnostics English Kazakh Português (Brasil) Русский 简体中文 Eco-vector Digital Diagnostics Page Header Logo ISSN 2712-8490 (Print) ISSN 2712-8962 (Online) Menu Archives Home About the Journal Editorial Team Editorial Policies Author Guidelines About the Journal Issues Search Current Articles in press Retracted articles Archives Contact Subscriptions All Journals User Username Password Remember me Forgot password? Register Notifications View Subscribe Article Tools Abstract Print this article Indexing metadata Cite item Email this article (Login required) Email the author (Login required) Metrics Search Search Search Scope Browse By Issue By Author By Title By Sections Other Journals Categories Online First Information For Readers For Authors For Librarians × User …

Valentin Sinitsyn

Valentin Sinitsyn

Moscow State University

Digital Diagnostics


АННОТАЦИЯ Обоснование. Частота возникновения тетрады Фалло составляет примерно 0, 5/1000 живорождённых, что соответствует 7–10% всех случаев врождённых пороков сердца и является второй по частоте формой сложных врождённых пороков сердца. Достижения в области диагностики, хирургического и послеоперационного лечения тетрады Фалло привели к тому, что всё большее число пациентов этой категории достигает зрелого возраста, при этом наблюдается резкое увеличение выживаемости (почти до 90%) к 30 годам, что требует длительного мониторинга определённых анатомических параметров для своевременного выявления осложнений. Данное исследование направлено на изучение частоты осложнений, выявленных с помощью компьютерной томографии, после радикальной коррекции тетрады Фалло у пациентов детского возраста.Цель―выявить с помощью компьютерной томографии маркеры наиболее часто встречающихся осложнений после коррекции тетрады Фалло у пациентов детского возраста. Материалы и методы. Проведён ретроспективный анализ данных 613 пациентов с тетрадой Фалло за период с октября 2011 по июнь 2020 года. В исследование были включены 116 пациентов, из них 69 мужского и 47 женского пола, у которых после коррекции тетрады Фалло возникли осложнения, выявленные с помощью компьютерной томографии. На момент операции средний возраст пациентов составлял от 10 до 36 (в среднем 12) месяцев, средняя масса тела 21 кг, средний рост 105, 4 см, средняя площадь …

Valentin Sinitsyn

Valentin Sinitsyn

Moscow State University

Digital Diagnostics

乳头乳晕复合体的病理和异常的诊断: 一系列临床病例

Diseases and abnormalities of the nipple-areolar complex: a case report series - PDF (Chinese) - Karanadze - Digital Diagnostics English Kazakh Português (Brasil) Русский 简体中文 Eco-vector Digital Diagnostics Page Header Logo ISSN 2712-8490 (Print) ISSN 2712-8962 (Online) Menu Archives Home About the Journal Editorial Team Editorial Policies Author Guidelines About the Journal Issues Search Current Articles in press Retracted articles Archives Contact Subscriptions All Journals User Username Password Remember me Forgot password? Register Notifications View Subscribe Article Tools Abstract Print this article Indexing metadata Cite item Email this article (Login required) Email the author (Login required) Metrics Search Search Search Scope Browse By Issue By Author By Title By Sections Other Journals Categories Online First Information For Readers For Authors For Librarians × User Username …

Evgeniy Pavlovskiy

Evgeniy Pavlovskiy

Novosibirsk State University

Digital Diagnostics

Software for brain tumor diagnosis on magnetic resonance imaging

BACKGROUND: The main reason for the development and implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in neuro-oncology is the high prevalence of brain tumors reaching up to 200 cases per 100,000 population. The incidence of a primary focus in the brain is 5%–10%; however, 60%–70% of those who die from malignant neoplasms have metastases in the brain. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the most common method for primary non-invasive diagnosis of brain tumors and monitoring disease progression. One of the challenges is the classification of tumor types and determination of clinical parameters (size and volume) for the conduct, diagnosis, and treatment procedures, including surgery.AIM: To develope a software module for the differential diagnosis of brain neoplasms on MRI images.METHODS: The software module is based on the developed Siberian Brain Tumor Dataset (SBT), which contains information on over 1000 neurosurgical patients with fully verified (histologically and immunohistochemically) postoperative diagnoses. The data for research and development was presented by the Federal Neurosurgical Center (Novosibirsk). The module uses two-and three-dimensional computer vision models with pre-processed MRI sequence data included in the following packages: pre-contrast T1-weighted image (WI), post-contrast T1-WI, T2-WI, and T2-WI with fluid-attenuated inversion-recovery technique. The models allow to detect and recognize with high accuracy 4 types of neoplasms, such as meningioma, neurinoma, glioblastoma, and astrocytoma, and segment and distinguish components and sizes: ET (tumor …

Valentin Sinitsyn

Valentin Sinitsyn

Moscow State University

Digital Diagnostics

直肠癌术语: RSR, AOR 和 RATRO 专家工作组达成的一致意见

АННОТАЦИЯ Унифицированная терминология―необходимое условие успешной междисциплинарной коммуникации в онкологии. Многообразие анатомических, патоморфологических и клинических терминов, используемых при раке прямой кишки, нередко сопровождается неоднозначной их трактовкой как в отечественной, так и зарубежной научной литературе. Это не только усложняет взаимодействие между специалистами, но и затрудняет сравнение результатов лечения рака прямой кишки, полученных в разных лечебных учреждениях.На основе анализа современной отечественной и международной научно-методической литературы по раку прямой кишки были отобраны ключевые термины, используемые при диагностике и планировании лечения злокачественного новообразования, с последующим двукратным онлайн-обсуждением их трактовок экспертами Российского общества рентгенологов и радиологов, Ассоциации онкологов России и Российской ассоциации терапевтических радиационных онкологов до достижения консенсуса (≥ 80%) экспертов по всем пунктам. Термины, по которым консенсус не был достигнут, не включены в итоговый список.

Valentin Sinitsyn

Valentin Sinitsyn

Moscow State University

Digital Diagnostics


АННОТАЦИЯ Обоснование. Технологии искусственного интеллекта призваны помогать в решении проблемы пропуска находок при лучевых исследованиях. Важным вопросом является оценка экономической пользы от внедрения технологий искусственного интеллекта. Цель―оценить частоту выявления патологических находок и экономический потенциал применения комплексного искусственного интеллекта для компьютерной томографии органов грудной клетки, валидированного экспертами, по сравнению с рентгенологами без доступа к технологиям в условиях частного медицинского центра. Материалы и методы. Проведено обсервационное одноцентровое ретроспективное исследование. В исследование включались компьютерные томограммы органов грудной клетки без внутривенного контрастирования, выполненные в ООО «Клинический госпиталь на Яузе»(Москва) в период с 01.06. 2022 по 31.07. 2022. Компьютерные томограммы обработаны комплексным алгоритмом искусственного интеллекта для десяти патологий: инфильтративные изменения в лёгких, характерные для вирусной пневмонии (COVID-19 в условиях пандемии); лёгочные узлы; свободная жидкость в плевральных полостях; эмфизема лёгких; увеличение диаметра грудной аорты; увеличение диаметра ствола лёгочной артерии; коронарный кальциноз; оценка толщины надпочечников; оценка высоты и плотности тел позвонков. Два эксперта анализировали компьютерные томограммы и сравнивали результаты с анализом искусственного интеллекта. Для всех находок …

Valentin Sinitsyn

Valentin Sinitsyn

Moscow State University

Digital Diagnostics

Artificial intelligence in the diagnosis of thoracic aortic aneurysms in a retrospective chest computed tomography scan analysis

BACKGROUND: Aortic aneurysms, known as “silent killers”, are frequently asymptomatic, leading to vessel rupture and death. Annual rates for ruptures, stratifications, and sudden deaths are up to 3.6%, 3.7%, and 10.8%, respectively. Timely diagnosis and early treatment save a patient’s life. The use of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies helps to detect aortic aneurysms, which significantly improves the quality of diagnosis and saves patients’ lives.AIM: To assess the efficiency of using AI technologies to detect thoracic aortic aneurysms on chest computed tomography (CT) and determining the possibility of using AI technologies as an assistant to the radiologist during the primary description of radiological images.METHODS: The study retrospectively assessed the results of AI technologies aimed at detecting thoracic aortic aneurysms on chest CT scans. No contrast enhancement was performed primarily. The sample consisted of 84,405 observations of patients over the age of 18 years; of these, 86 scans with thoracic aortic aneurysms were selected according to AI data. The selected examinations were retrospectively assessed by radiologists and vascular surgeons for the probable presence of a thoracic aortic aneurysm. In 44 cases, an aortic aneurysm was initially detected by the radiologist. In 31 cases, an aneurysm was not initially described by the radiologist, 6 were excluded from the sample (due to the absence of the radiologist’s report in the Unified Radiological Information Service), and 5 scans had false-positive results according to AI findings.RESULTS: The use of AI technologies allows detection and labeling of pathological changes …

Valentin Sinitsyn

Valentin Sinitsyn

Moscow State University

Digital Diagnostics

Diseases and abnormalities of the nipple-areolar complex: a case report series

The nipple–areolar complex is a specific anatomical and histological structure. Normal structure and pathological process variabilities and the complexity of diagnostic imaging cause difficulties for radiologists and physicians. Breast magnetic resonance imaging is highly sensitive for structural features and nipple-areolar complex cancer detection. Magnetic resonance imaging is a useful diagnostic tool when mammography and ultrasound findings are inconclusive. It allows visualization of the retroareolar region, suitable for the diagnosis of papillomas, adenomas, Paget’s disease, ductal carcinoma in situ, and invasive ductal carcinoma.

Valentin Sinitsyn

Valentin Sinitsyn

Moscow State University

Digital Diagnostics

Тerminology of rectal cancer: consensus agreement of the expert working group

АННОТАЦИЯ Унифицированная терминология―необходимое условие успешной междисциплинарной коммуникации в онкологии. Многообразие анатомических, патоморфологических и клинических терминов, используемых при раке прямой кишки, нередко сопровождается неоднозначной их трактовкой как в отечественной, так и зарубежной научной литературе. Это не только усложняет взаимодействие между специалистами, но и затрудняет сравнение результатов лечения рака прямой кишки, полученных в разных лечебных учреждениях.На основе анализа современной отечественной и международной научно-методической литературы по раку прямой кишки были отобраны ключевые термины, используемые при диагностике и планировании лечения злокачественного новообразования, с последующим двукратным онлайн-обсуждением их трактовок экспертами Российского общества рентгенологов и радиологов, Ассоциации онкологов России и Российской ассоциации терапевтических радиационных онкологов до достижения консенсуса (≥ 80%) экспертов по всем пунктам. Термины, по которым консенсус не был достигнут, не включены в итоговый список.

Valentin Sinitsyn

Valentin Sinitsyn

Moscow State University

Digital Diagnostics

COVID-19 的心脏受损: 发病机制和诊断的问题

COVID-19-related cardiac lesion: The questions of pathogenesis and diagnostics - PDF (Chinese) - Filatova - Digital Diagnostics English Kazakh Português (Brasil) Русский 简体中文 Eco-vector Digital Diagnostics Page Header Logo ISSN 2712-8490 (Print) ISSN 2712-8962 (Online) Menu Archives Home About the Journal Editorial Team Editorial Policies Author Guidelines About the Journal Issues Search Current Articles in press Retracted articles Archives Contact Subscriptions All Journals User Username Password Remember me Forgot password? Register Notifications View Subscribe Article Tools Abstract Print this article Indexing metadata Cite item Email this article (Login required) Email the author (Login required) Metrics Search Search Search Scope Browse By Issue By Author By Title By Sections Other Journals Categories Online First Information For Readers …

Valentin Sinitsyn

Valentin Sinitsyn

Moscow State University

Digital Diagnostics

Abernethy malformation: A case report

Congenital portosystemic shunts (CPSS) are rare congenital vascular anomalies associated with partial or complete diversion of the portal blood into the systemic circulation. Congenital extrahepatic portosystemic shunts (CEPSS) are termed Abernethy malformation. This pathology is a diagnostic challenge due to its low incidence and variable clinical presentations. We report a case of Abernethy malformation Type Ib in a 15-year-old male with a long-standing history of high arterial blood pressure, recurrent nose bleeds, chest pain, dizziness, shortness of breath, low exercise tolerance, blood in the stool, vague epigastric pain, nausea, and itching. Imaging studies revealed a dilated portal vein conduit flowing directly into inferior vena cava (IVC), bypassing porta hepatis. Among other findings were multiple liver nodules, dilatation of heart chambers, myocardial hypertrophy, and pulmonary hypertension. Because of …

Valentin Sinitsyn

Valentin Sinitsyn

Moscow State University

Digital Diagnostics

Difficulties in myocarditis diagnosis: a case report

Myocarditis is often difficult to diagnose. The diagnostic difficulties include nonspecific symptoms or a “vague” clinical picture, absence of pathognomonic signs during physical examination, and endomyocardial biopsy, which is the “gold standard” of diagnosis of myocarditis, being an invasive procedure that is performed under strict indications in certain patients. Nevertheless, as radiology is rapidly developing, clinicians are now able to noninvasively diagnose symptoms of inflammatory myocardial damage, including edema and myocardial fibrosis, using cardiac magnetic resonance imaging. This article presents the clinical case of a young patient with symptoms of acute coronary syndrome, who showed no evidence of coronary artery disease. Myocarditis was suspected because of increased activity of cardiospecific enzymes and high levels of inflammatory markers, pronounced electrocardiography changes with positive dynamics, and recent infection. Magnetic resonance imaging was used to confirm myocarditis diagnosis. Thus, this case study demonstrates the role of imaging techniques in the differential diagnosis of ischemic and inflammatory heart diseases.

Giuseppe Guglielmi

Giuseppe Guglielmi

Università degli Studi di Foggia

Digital Diagnostics

Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia: imaging findings of a controversial case

Fibrous dysplasia is a rare non-neoplastic tumor-like congenital bone disease that is most likely associated with GNAS gene mutations, with a broad spectrum of clinical presentations, ranging from isolated monostotic and polyostotic forms to other extra-skeletal associated manifestations as in McCune–Albright syndrome. It is responsible for bone’s weakening and increased fragility, making it prone to fractures.

Giuseppe Guglielmi

Giuseppe Guglielmi

Università degli Studi di Foggia

Digital Diagnostics

Safety and efficacy of percutaneous vesselplasty (Vessel-X) in the treatment of symptomatic thoracolumbar vertebral fractures

AIMS: to assess radiological and clinical outcomes, in terms of safety and efficacy, of symptomatic vertebral fractures with and without posterior wall and\or both endplates involvement, treated with vesselplasty technique (Vessel-X, Dragon Crown Medical Co., Ltd Shandong, China).MATERIALS AND METHODS: We retrospectively evaluated 66 Patients who underwent 92 vesselplasty procedures, performed for the treatment of symptomatic vertebral body fractures from March 19 to September 2020. We divided the fractures in two subgroups: 36 vertebral fractures with posterior wall and/or both endplates involvement, which we defined complex, while all the others were defined simple. Numerical Rating Scale (NRS) and Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) values has been registered 1 day before the procedure and at 1, 6 and 12 months follow-up. We also evaluated vertebral height restoration by comparing pre-interventional with post-interventional imaging.RESULTS: 92 vertebrae were treated (58 lumbar, 34 thoracic), with 24 multilevel procedures. We observed a technical success rate of 100%, without major complications; a single case of asymptomatic paravertebral cement leak was reported. Both simple and complex subgroups registered a significative statistical difference in NRS and ODI between preoperative and at 1, 6 and 12 months (p< 0.05). A significant statistical difference was demonstrated in vertebral height comparing pre-operative and post-operative data (p< 0.05). No significant difference in vertebral height restoration was observed between simple and complex vertebral fractures groups.CONCLUSIONS: Vesselplasty represents a …

Douglas G Altman

Douglas G Altman

University of Oxford

Digital Diagnostics

Прозрачная отчетность о многофакторной предсказательной модели для индивидуального прогнозирования или диагностики (TRIPOD): разъяснения и уточнения

Руководство TRIPOD (Transparent Reporting of a multivariable prediction model for Individual Prognosis Or Diagnosis) содержит контрольный перечень из 22 пунктов рекомендаций, предложенных для повышения качества отчётности по исследованиям, в которых разрабатывали, проверяли или обновляли предсказательные модели для диагностики или прогнозирования. Руководство TRIPOD направлено на повышение прозрачности отчёта об исследовании предсказательной модели, независимо от использованных методов. Этот документ с пояснениями и уточнениями включает обоснование, разъяснения значений каждого пункта рекомендаций, обсуждение важности прозрачной отчётности для оценки риска систематических ошибок и клинической полезности предсказательной модели. Каждая рекомендация руководства TRIPOD подробно объясняется, приводятся опубликованные примеры правильного представления результатов. Документ также содержит ценную справочную информацию, которую следует учитывать при разработке, проведении и анализе исследований предсказательных моделей. Рекомендуем авторам включать в свои работы все пункты контрольного перечня, что облегчит оценку исследования редакторами, рецензентами, читателями и исследователями, проводящими систематическое обобщение результатов таких исследований. Контрольный перечень TRIPOD также доступен по адресу: www. tripod-statement. org.